Chapter 6: A Boy Who Cooks

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"How!?" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Aww, did poor Izzy not win at her favourite video game?" Kyle teased.

I hit him in the shoulder.

"I just don't understand how you guys are so good!" I sighed. I came in 4th; behind all of the boys.

"No one's good at everything." Maxwell comforted, but obviously teasing me.

"You guys suck." I pouted.

"Last time I checked, we weren't the ones came in last out of the four of us." Andrew smirked.

Maxwell and Kyle sent a chorus of "Ooh's" and "Burn's". I couldn't think of a quick comeback, and Andrew could tell because a smirk crept up onto his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat.

"You guys want something to eat?" Kyle said, breaking the tension between us all. We all agreed and headed upstairs to the kitchen.

"Andrew, choose your dish of the day!" Maxwell chirped, making a big gesture towards the refrigerator.

Andrew smiled and opened the door. Looking inside he took out a few ingredients; spinach, strawberries, cheese, clementines.

"You aren't allergic to anything, are you?" Andrew asked. I shook my head. He continued to take out more ingredients from around the kitchen; pine nuts, olive oil, lemon juice.

"Andrew's the cook?" I asked, tired of holding in the question.

"Yep. He's amazing at cooking. Since Kyle and I have no talent it that field whatsoever, he always makes something quick for us to eat." Maxwell explained.

I turned my head to look over at Andrew, and he was already washing the spinach and strawberries. I asked him if he needed any help, and he said that I could peel and divide the clementines. Easy enough. While I was doing my job, Andrew already finished putting the main parts of the salad into a large bowl. He then went back into the fridge and pulled out some more stuff.

"Do you like peanut butter and jam sandwiches?" Andrew asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yup."

Once I finished my job, Andrew quickly completed the salad and told us all to take a seat.

"Alright, Lady and Not-So-Gentlemen, today we have a classic summer salad with spinach, cheese, strawberries and clementines, and some PB&J sandwiches. Dig in!" Andrew said, taking a seat.

To say that the meal was delicious was an understatement. Although it seemed like two very simple and easy dishes, they jumped with flavour.

"Andrew. This is amazing!" I explained after taking a few bites.

"Thanks." he mumbled with a smile.

"You've got to teach me sometime! I didn't think you could cook." I laughed.

"I guess there's some things that you just don't know about me yet." he winked.

I let out a small laugh and continued to gobble down my scrumptious food.

"I still can't believe my sister has a crush on your brother." Kyle brought up after we finished eating.

"Honestly, I think at first we all thought you brought your boyfriend along." Maxwell chuckled. The others nodded their heads in agreement. I on the other hand burst out laughing.

"You thought that Ethan was my boyfriend?" I said with laughter.

"It was the first thing that came to mind." Andrew explained. "Do you, uh, actually have a boyfriend?" he asked shyly.

"Nope." I shook my head. "What about you guys? Have any girls that you proclaim your love to?"

"Nope." they all replied together.

"Really? None of you guys have girlfriends?" I asked, surprised.

"What makes you so surprised?" Andrew smirked.

"Well, you guys are... Really nice. And cool." I answered. "And attractive." I added quietly.

"Awww, thanks Izzy!" Maxwell said in a girly voice. "You shouldn't have."

I rolled my eyes at his silliness.

"And actually, Maxwell here will have a girlfriend by the end of this week." Kyle stated, patting his friend on the back.

"Really? Who!?"

None of them replied right away. After a few moments, Andrew spoke up.

"She's friends with all of us. Her name is Jamie."

"Oh." I said. "Don't know her. So you're gonna ask her out soon?"

"Um, yeah." Maxwell answered, looking down with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Aww." I teased. "Hey, is my brother still here? I should probably get going." I asked, looking at the clock. It was 5:30.

"You can stay for dinner you know. My parents should be coming home soon." Kyle offered.

"Nah, it's fine. Maybe next time." I replied. At that moment, Ethan came down the stairs.

"Elly! Time to go!" he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I nodded my head.

We put on our shoes, said our goodbyes for a minute or two, and soon we were back in Ethan's car.

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