○Lack-toes Intolerant○

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Bianca's Pov:

I'm hungry.

Like really hungry.

As in,
I-haven't-ate-for-the-whole-day-or-last-night- and-now-it's-6pm-kind of hungry.

Well I did eat nutella, but that doesn't really count.

You would think he would at least have the decency to prepare some food for me, you know, after he practically dragged me to come with him.

But no. Of course not.

As if on cue, one of the guys from the car strolled in the kitchen.

I think his name was Adrian, or maybe Xavier. He can't be Zander, because Zander had a big figure, and had an arm full of tattoos.


The strange man waved awkwardly he was smiling excitedly. Why is he so happy?

I let my eyes roam around him but not in a way that I was checking him out, in a way that screamed 'don't talk to me or I will stab you with this fork I'm holding'.

Yes I am holding a fork. I am that hungry.

I was being a bitch, but I'm not here to be their friend. They drugged me and took me. They killed my family and that is something I'll never forget, or forgive them for.

He cleared his throat, no doubt understanding what my look meant.

"Alpha asked me to watch over you"

I glared up at him from the stool I was sitting on.

"I don't need a babysitter"

"So she talks." He chuckles, forcefully, trying to make an effort while I just staredup at him with a straight face.

I have been blessed with the ability to keep a straight face at all times, I can force my laughter down in a most situations.

Although I think my ability at it has gotten better as I can't really remember the last time I've truly felt happiness and laughter. I forgot how it feels when I would bubble up with laughter and erupt in a fit of giggles.

"Okay, well, do you want any food, you hungry?"

I was doing so well with my silence and my straight-face-stare/glare-contest, up until my stomach decides, then and there, to speak up.

It growls.

And it was loud.

I feel my face visibly heat up as I avert my eyes to the ground in embarrassment.

"Maybe, a little." I admit sheepishly, and look up to see him raising his eyebrows and chuckling lowly.

He turns his back to me as he goes to the cabinets and opens it up to get macaroni, he then goes to the fridge and picks out a bunch of ingredients, milk and grated cheese being two of those ingredients.

I perked up from the counter.

"How did you know I wanted mac and cheese?"

I had a scared little voice in my head telling me they can read thoughts too and I never knew about it.

What if they know I'm not really-

"The alpha told me to specifically cook you mac and cheese, however it may not be that good since I am not very good at cooking." He answers, with his back still towards me.

"So why did you ask if I was hungry or not?"

The strange man, whom i do not know the name of, shrugs.

"What's your name?" I ask, not wanting to refer to him as the strange man in my head any longer.

"I'm Xavier, Luna."

I cringe at the name he calls me, almost forgetting that title.

"Call me Bianca."

I didnt mean it to come off as a friendly way, I just couldn't handle being known as that, as some type of leader. Their leader.

*2 hours later*

Xavier really wasn't kidding about not being very good at cooking.

When people say that they are not very good at something, it usually implies that they are amazing, but just want to sound humble.

But oh no.

Not him.

In fact, that was probably an understatement of his skill. Or rather, lack off.

It went a little something like this.

"Xavier, yes you need some milk in th-"

(A//n No seriously guys, 'you need some milk' meme comments are not appreciated please do not😂)

"Xavier! I said some some I didnt say put the whole container in!"

"Bianca, you're stressing me! I'm sorry okay! I'm not usually this bad I promise!"

He pouts at me. He fucking pouts at me.

I feel bad for a moment then I look down at my poor soggy macaroni.

He drowned them. In milk.

He must've noticed my angry look. (Well the one I was trying to pull off anyway.)

Because the next thing he said was:

"What did the man with no toes say?"

I look up, giving him a weird look, and sighed realising this was his sorry attempt at a joke.

"What did he say?"

My bored stoic face did not seem to phase him, because Xavier looked like he was trying to control his laughter, and therefore, looked constipated.

"I'm ... lacktoes... intolerant"

His laughs in between and teary eyes make the joke funnier than it actually was that i had to force down a smile.

He tries to taks a breath, as if it was the most hilarious thing he'd ever said.

And with his lack of humour, I didn't doubt it was the funniest thing he'd ever said.

"Get it? Cause were talking about milk, why aren't you laughing, Bianca? I made that up on the spo- oh fuck the macaronis burning."

I look down to see what he's talking about. Oh wow.

Literal, red hot flames coming out of the pan. All traces of milk seemed to have evaporated, leaving a black mouldy pan.

All I wanted was food.

My damn macaroni!

I grumbled some curse words as I watched him grab a cloth and started, attacking the flames, literally attacking like there was no tomorrow.

Well, with a burnt pan, and the kitchen a burnt mess, I don't know if there will be a tomorrow for him. Get it? Cause the alpha might kill hi- never mind.

So, with that, we ended up having to clean the kitchen, and throw out the pan. I dont know what compelled me to help him, it wasnt even my fault, but i still did it anyway.

We ended up crashing on the couch and ordering pizza.

And for a moment. Just a moment. It didn't feel like I was kidnapped, or taken against my will, it didn't feel like I was the human girl pretending to be a wolf, with a dead family she had to leave behind.

Because for a moment, it actually felt normal. Something I wasn't capable of feeling for a long time, because really, nothing is normal in my life.

And it never will be.


Thank you so much for almost 200 views and 18 votes! Seriously, that makes me so happy!

I have an exam tomorrow so that sucks :p

Oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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