Chapter 26: A Smart Catch

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I find Stan's room and take a deep breath. I walk in and I see him laying down. He has a cast around his arm and I feel a pain in my chest.

The only reason why he's here is because of me.  I can't do anything right in life. I decide to let him sleep and just sit in the chair next to his bed until he wakes up.

It feels like forever goes by when he finally starts to open his eyes. I'm so glad he's okay. But I'm also upset he did that for me. He turns to me and his eyes go wake.

"Lori! Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so glad to see you."

"Stan what did you do?" Was all I could say.

He looks confused on my question. "I saved you." He says in a duh way.

"Why? Why would you do that?"

"Lori I don't like when you talk like this. I would save you a hundreds times more if needed. I couldn't just stand there and watch you fall."

"You shouldn't of risked your life just for me. What happened exactly."

"Well I tried to be a hero and catch you, but it ended up just being me breaking your fall." He laughs a little but winces in pain. "But anyway I was in too much pain to move us so I managed to call 911."

"Stan you have a successful company and a daughter that needs you. You shouldn't of risked that. I'm" Although I feel foolish for jumping I still feel depressed and that I didn't deserve Stan saving me. And I let my head hang.

Stan stares at me. He looks a little angry and frustrated. "You are special to me Lori. My life just isn't right when your not around."

"Nice try Stan." I say without looking up.

"I'm sorry."


"You feel this way because of me. And I'm so sorry. Your an amazing woman. You helped my family and more importantly my daughter. And I should have seen all of the things you did for us from the beginning."

I look up at him and see the regret in his eyes.

"I shouldn't of called you a liar. And Lori I can trust you. I trust you with my life and I trust you with my family."

"I accept your apology." I smile a little and he does too.

"But." He said sternly. "I don't trust you with your own life. Lori I have to know... why did you jump?"

I go to speak but Stan cuts me off.

"'s me isn't it?"

"No Stan. I... I saw Joseph's wife earlier that day." Immediately after saying that name Stan got upset.


I can't exactly remember all the things he started firing off but they weren't good. Stan got all worked up and I can tell he was fighting the pain he felt in his body. I sat and let him go on like that until a doctor walked in.

"Calm down Mr. McCormick."

"I'm fine doctor."

"No you have a broken shoulder and bruised ribs Mr. McCormick. You'll be out of work and have to take it easy for a few months. Now we already called your wife to pick you up and you'll be good to go home."

"There's no way I'm missing work and she's my ex wife, but thank you doctor."

The doctor just nods and leaves the room. He turns to me and takes a calming breath.

"I don't want Joseph or his wife near you ever again."

"I had it coming. All of my problems I've brought on myself. And I don't blame his wife for looking for answers from me after his arrest."

"You don't owe her anything." Stan gets himself all worked up again.

"Well I was having an affair with her husband. I think she does deserve some answers."

Stan rolls his eyes. "Well she should of picked a better husband."

I smile at his childish behavior. I slowly start to stand to my feet.

"Be careful." He warns me. But I ignore him.

I walk to his bed and sit down next to him. I lean in and kiss him. And he kisses me back.

Our kiss is broken when the door opens again. Sarah walks in in a fuss.

"Stanley how could you be so clumsy. I can't believe you almost killed yourself and... oh hello Lori." She stops her fussing and smiles at me. She looks down and sees my hospital gown. "Oh, were you in an accident too? What did Stanley do?" She looks at him with disappointment.

"Oh no it wasn't Stan's fault. It was me. I'm the uh.. clumsy one. Stan was just there to land on. Sorry."

Sarah gives Stan one last look but seems to believe my story. "Oh well it's just good that your both okay I suppose. Do you need a ride as well?"

"No my best friend should be back by now to take me home. I should get back to my room so she doesn't worry. Thanks though." I give Stan one last kiss and then give Sarah a really awkward hug and leave the room.

Stan's POV

After Lori left the room Sarah turned to me and asked again what happened. She knew something was off but I just told her the same story Lori told her earlier.

She gives me a look but let's it slide. She gives me some clothes to change into, but she has to help me change into them because I was in too much pain. But I get ready eventually and we start to head to my place.

"It's a good thing you were released today Stanley because you know Jamie is leaving today for school."

"What! Today? But I thought she had a few more days."

"Yes, but her and her friends are driving so they're leaving earlier. It's a 13 hour drive to Iowa."

"I had no idea. I didn't even get her a going away gift. She must be worried sick."

"Oh calm down. I didn't tell her where you were. I didn't want to worry her, I wanted her to focus on getting ready for college."

We pull up to the house and we see Jamie and her friends packing up two cars to the brim. Sarah helps me out the car and Jamie sees me all bandaged up.

"Dad are you okay? What happened!"

"Nothing nothing your old man is fine. Today isn't about me, it's about you."

"But dad"

"I'm okay baby I promise."

Jamie pauses for a little but let's it go. Her friends finish packing and take a thousand selfies and hugs me and Sarah goodbye.

"Your gonna be great honey. And don't forget to call when you make it." Sarah says.

Jamie hops in the car and drives off. And I start to think that Lori would have loved to see her off. I just saw her and got to kiss her again and I already miss her.

Sarah helps me inside but before she leaves I stop her.

"Hey Sarah."

"Yea." She turns from the door.

"Tell me honestly. Why the change of heart about Iowa State and why are you nice to me now? Tell the truth."

Sarah just smiles and opens the door. But before she closes it behind her and looks back and says "Maybe that Lori is smarter then I judged." And I smile at her comment. "But she still has bad taste in men though." She ends and closes the door.


Happy thanksgiving. One thing I'm thankful for is all of you and especially the votes. So enjoy and keep voting and commenting.

Shae <3

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