Chapter 7: All Hot and Bothered PART 1

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Lori's POV

I was happy that me and Trevor were friends again. I was glad that the work week had gone by smooth as well. Everyone was really impressed at how well I had adjusted to the hard work. But despite all the praise I received, I didn't get any from my boss. In fact I haven't spoken to Stan at all since our talk in his office at the beginning of the week. But what else would I expect, he made it clear he wants nothing to do with me.

Nevertheless I was glad it was finally Friday. On the way out of the office I pass by Nicole and promise her a night out on the town that she's been bugging me about for days now.

"Saturday! Don't forget girl or I'll find you."

"Yes Saturday I promise."

I head out of the big building. I step outside and instantly take off my blazer. It had to be like the hottest day of the summer. I go to my car and hop inside. I turn the ignition and....nothing. I turn again and nothing.

"What the hell!" I close my eyes and take 2 deep breathes. "This isn't happening. Not right now." I slowly reach for the key and turn it again.


"Fuck" I yell louder then I intended. I get out my car and slam the door in frustration. I put one hand on my hip and another on my forehead. What am I going to do? "Trevor" I whisper to myself. I open the door again reach for my phone in my purse.

"Is everything alright Lori?" I jump up and almost hit my head on the ceiling of my car. I turn and see Stan with worry on his face. He had also took off his jacket due to the heat. And he had loosened his tie and unbuttoned an extra button on his dress shirt. My eyes lower onto his big chest. His muscles dying to come out of his shirt.

"Oh yea I'm fine Mr. McCormick, just a little..." I turn again to look at my car with a frown on my face. " troubles"

"Anything I could do?" I try my best to avoid eye contact.

"No I have a friend that can take care of it for me." I unlock my phone and search for Trevor's work number knowing he'd still be at the auto shop at this time.

"Well I wouldn't feel comfortable just leaving you out here, there must be something I can do." I just look at him for a moment. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? It must be pity.

"I'm sure I can manage sir."

"Well you go ahead and make that call, I'll stick around just to make sure it's taken care of." He walks across the aisle to his car and leans against his car facing me. I dial Trevor's number and prays he picks up so I don't look helpless and stupid in front of Stan. After 2 rings he picks up.

"Wassup" I could tell he had a smile on his face.

"Trevor I need your help."

"What's wrong?" He has worry in his voice.

"It's my car. It won't start I think the battery is dead." I glance over at Stan, he is typing away at his phone and I look away before he notices I'm looking at him. "Do you think you can come help me? I know you're still at work, but I didn't know who else to call."

"Shit. I promised to work a double today at the shop. I won't get off till tonight."

I try my best to not sound upset, but I couldn't help the helpless sigh I heaved. I bury my face in my free hand. Trevor must have sensed my frustration.

"Hey but I can come check it out as soon as I finish up."

I wipe my forehead that is starting to form sweat from all the heat. "Thanks but I can't stay here all day it's way too hot."

"Well I don't get off until 8. Is there a way you can get a ride home and I'll just tow your car to the shop when I get off?"

I bite my lip and look at Stan. He has thrown his suitcase and jacket in the backseat of his car and when he lifts his head from his car he looks up at me. I quickly look back down.

"Umm yea I'm sure I can manage. That'll be great Trevor thanks." I look back up at Stan and he starts to advance towards me.

"Okay great! Once I pick it up I'll call you."

"Okay thanks." I hang up the phone and look at Stan who is now standing in front of me. He gives me a look saying what now. I force myself to look him in the eyes. Those gorgeous hazel eyes.

"So my friend is going to have my car towed for me later tonight."

"Okay great. So you have a ride home then?"

I can no longer stand looking into his eyes as my core starts to tighten up. I look around trying to stay calm. "Well no, but I'm sure I can manage something." I pause and then look back at Stan. The hot sun burning behind him.

"Come on, let's go." He turns in his place and heads towards his car.

"Oh no Mr. McCormick that's not necessary, I'm sure I can..." I just stop talking because Stan never bothered to turn around. He just continues to walk to his car ignoring me. I just stand there for a minute staring at him. He reaches his passenger door and opens it, looking at me and waiting. I look around and sigh, but walk to his car and get in.

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