Chaprte 41:His secret

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Andrea Frause's Pov

Its been a week since that kiss and here I am in my office in the restaurant talking to the private investigator.

"She is a difficult one,we found nothing"he said"What if the records were true,she's dead"

I took out  gave him an envelope fat of cash and started pleading

"Please "I said

he nodded

"I will leave no stone un turned Miss Frause"He said then left

where are you?

I silently asked

Romano is okay now and is at work.I didnt talk to him since what he did


Its 1 at dawn and I cant seem to sleep,my thoughts are bothered by my sister and Dafil

I went downstairs to grab a glass of water when I saw Romano walk straight outside.

Where is he going?

Out of curiosity as soon as he left I hopped into one of the cars then followed him keeping my pace.He stopped before a building.I followed him

He led to a underground place full of people raising their fists in the air shouting.I felt scared looking around.He casually walked to the crowd making a way as he passed.

Where am I?

I followed him and caught scary people looking at me like they're about to chew me to peices. Then I was convinced their warnings are true,this is not a place a normal person would go.I rose my eyes and saw a raised chairs and saw a man that made my feet weaken,Cesare was seated his hands clasped together watching the men fighting on the raised ring that looked like a cage for vicious fighters determined to rip the flesh of his opponent.The shouts are enough to make a person run out but I stayed in place looking at Cesare.

This place is like a den of vicious fighters...killers.Cigarrette and certainly drug smokes clouded the place.

"Hey what are you doing here?"A woman asked grabbing my collar.She has black eyes,black short hair and red lips.Her hand is crazy strong

"P-please"I pleaded but she just laughed and dragged me to one place.

The shouts got louder making her halt and look at the raised  ring.My feet froze with my eyes looking at Romano.His back showed his tattoos

His opponent attacked but he swiftly dodged it with a playful smile angering his opponent.He attacked again but he dodged it.

He attacked once more with a punch but Romano was quicker throwing a punch at his face making him take steps backward.

The fight went on,it was a bloody match.

Romano wiped the blood running from his nose while he was on one knee.He looked at his opponent trying to push himself up,his eyes filled with scary rage.Just the view of his eyes sent fear in me I stepped backwards

Who is this person?

As soon as he was sure of his strength he stood up.Same with his opponent who took out a knife and started swinging.I gasped when the blade was swung swiftly determined to cut his skin but he slid on the floor tripping his opponent to the ground then moved quickly to climb on him throwing lethal punches at his face,every punch was followed by another even his opponent is not responsive anymore he continued till his fist was red with his opponent's blood

The crowd went wild,he rose his fists in the air as he turned around his eyes met mine I felt nothing but great fear

"Come on"I forgot about the woman,she hauled me my eyes still met Romano's wanting nothing but to run away

He is a monster...He is not who he is...he is dangerous

Niccolo Dvaide Romano's Pov

I am doing some work in my office when my phone in my drawer rang

"Cesare"I answered

"Boy I want you to come out here this fight is boring"He said then cut the call

He is in Italy right now.There is this underground place in the center of Rome where men fight for the amusement of the bidders and also for members to challenge other groups.

I turned my laptop off and walked out,ignited the car keeping my sight straight not keeping mind of my environment for the first time


The man is down.The crowd cheered as I rose my fists in the air.I looked around the crowd and a pair of very frightened and surprised eyes are looking at me.

Why is she here?How?

The way her eyes looked at me...Like I am a monster...I hate it I want it gone.That look is the very reason why I dont get very attached to people.But I slipped,this business partnership with her turned to more for her,I dont feel the same about her...I dont care about her but why am I bothered?

A woman hauled her but her eyes stayed on mine but it is evident she is not asking for help and she wants me to stay away but I felt my legs run to go to her.I pushed throught the crowd and saw the woman is pulling her through the hall and into a room.

"Davide"she smiled as she stood guard by the door 

"let me in"I demanded

"My boss wants a small time with her"She smiled


She must be mistaken as something else.

why did she come here?this place is very dangerous!the questions go on but I have to save her first

I heard her scream so I pushed the girl aside and kicked the door open seeing a man trying to hold her by force

My blood boiled,I grabbed the man and hit his head to the wall until he is unresponsive

"Come on"I said and grabbed her


she wedged herself to the corner holding her torn shirt together while she looked at the floor

I tried to approach her but she flinched 

"Get away from me"She warned

"I'm not gonna hurt you"I said

"I don't believe you...get away"She shook her head while she slowly kicked her feet to push herself more to the corner

"Miss Frause I just saved did you get here anyway?"I asked sitting across her

"I followed you"She confessed

"Ah...why the fuck would you do that?"I asked

"I wanted to know who you really are"she said"and now I-Iknow..."

"And you don't like what you see..."I said looking at her expecting something I don't know from her 

"Mr.Romano can you please let me go home...I promise I will not tell anyone...please I want out of the contract."

Her words sent a painful thud in my chest as the ground seemed to suddenly open

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