Chapter 10:The Young Keeper

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I cannot believe I kissed him back!

I gritted my teeth as I enter the kitchen where I saw Mama Saphia busy cooking

"Good morning!" She greeted with a big kiss on my cheek

I stunned by her actions but quickly replied with a smile,it's my first time to be greeted like this

Im pissed off but her kiss and joy is contagious

I sat on the island and watched her thinking how my Nana is doing,she would wear the same white apron...

Mr.Romano entered and he wore an all black suit,his wet hair lay messyly on his head and his tattoos slightly peeked on his colar

I felt my anger and irritation rush back to how they were

"Like what you see wife?" He asked in a smile

I gave him a hostile glare

This cassanova thinks he can just kiss me just like that?and completely breaking my rules

"I will be in my room Mama" I said and left the kitchen

I walked upstairs and started to pack my clothes,something I was planning on doing after breakfast but seeing that man I want to do it sooner

I don't feel safe in this house

"Where are you going?" Mr.Romano asked with a big question mark on his face eyeing my clothes

"Out of this house" I answered while I continue to pack

"Why?" He asked

"A man broke in,I don't feel safe in this house Mr.Romano"

"No one will break in again I promise" he said

I smiled at him and zipped my laguage

"How can you be sure?Do you somehow know them?" I asked with a sarcastic smile, while I looked at his eyes

He was silent
He is hiding something

He smiled
"No,but I will surely keep a close watch now infact I called some bodyguards and besides we can't have gossips fly around about my wife who lived outside my roof" he said

I was convinced

"There better be no more break ins Mr.Romano" I said and left the room without waiting for his answer

Oh I hate him!I can't even bare being with him for long!

I calmed myself by the thought of my lost biological sister

I walked into the kitchen and saw only mama Saphia

"Where is Mr.Romano?" Curious,I asked

"He just went out" Mama Saphia answered as she served me pancakes and coffee for breakfast

"Did you guys fight?" She asked lowly with her eyes asking if it's okay to ask

"What made you say that?" I asked while I took a bite at familiarly delicious pancakes

Its the same as what Nana makes

"This morning..." She said

"Ah..." I laughed lowly as if I just remembered"that..."

"You know that is pretty normal for arranged couples,but don't worry sooner or later you will find yourself cuddled in his arms" she said in a wide yet bitter smile

I chocked on the pancakes by her words


"Arranged?" I asked

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