p a r t f i f t e e n

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The time in Lexa's room was agony. It was supposed to be better than the prison and I knew I probably had it better than Kane, but it still managed to fry my nerves and make me extremely anxious as the time slowly went by. I spent most of it alone, familiarizing myself with every piece of wood or rusted metal that made the foundation of the room. I counted the feathers that fell from her pillows with each passing minute and tried to name the colors used in the paintings hanging on the wall.

Clarke came and went, along with her girlfriend, and stayed during the night. But just last night they slept somewhere out of the room, and I, unfortunately, knew the reason.

It had been two days with no sign of my friends. I had expected Octavia to come swords blazing into Polis, but nothing had changed and I was stuck counting down each second till my trial.

The trial was tomorrow morning and today had been going extremely slow. I had already read through the makeshift manual on how to tie ropes that sat on Lexa's cabinet for the third time, and had took to people watching. That too grew old as I got tired of watching the small, ant-like people go about their business below me.

I sighed and stood up from the little stool overlooking the city. The sun was about to set, the sky turning a light red as the orange streaks resonated off of the scattered clouds.

My anxiety had been growing all day. I knew that by the morning sun, I would be in shackles being escorted down to the Polis judgment arena along with Kane. I wondered where they had been keeping him. I was sure that he was not in as good conditions as I was.

I found myself laying on top of Lexa's fur-covered bed. The ceiling above was painted with Trigedaslang war phrases, each one more violent than the last. It reminded me of that night when I had fallen off of the cliff. I winced as I brought back the sick feeling when my sword would bury itself deep in my enemy. I had killed many, but I would never get over the horrible feeling of taking a life.

"Y/N!" I heard my name whispered and was pulled from my thoughts. I sat up and looked over at the door, expecting to see either Clarke or Lexa, but the door was closed.

"Over here, dummy," I heard again. Starting to recognize the voice, I looked around confused. And there, in a metal grate at the bottom of one of the walls, crouched my best friend, a cocky smirk on her face.

"I think this makes it the third time. You know, me saving your ass and all," Octavia boasted, and I rolled my eyes and hurried over to her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked nervously, looking around the room I knew was empty, but just to make sure.

"I just told you. I'm saving you."

"No, you have to leave now. What were you thinking coming here? You could've been killed." I scolded. I was acting surprised and yet I knew one way or another, Octavia would've found her way to me.

"Whatever. You act like I don't know my way around the grounder village." She chuckled, sitting back so she could bring her foot down on the grate. It clanged loudly and I hissed, looking over towards the door.

"O, someone's going to hear you—"

With another kick of her foot, the grate flew from its hinges and fell on the floor. Octavia climbed out, before standing up and dusting off her jacket.

"You look like shit," she joked, wiping her thumb along my cheekbone. I pushed her arm away and looked at her seriously. "Woah, someone's not happy to see me."

"Octavia you need to go back and call off whatever you're doing," I shook my head, turning away from her. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked around so I had to look at her again.

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