p a r t e i g h t

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Hey, long time no read bitchesss
sorry i haven't updated this story in a while, i literally have finished 4 more chapters for love like war and i'm trying to upload them bc i'm in france and i have no service
so like if you live in paris, hmu. let's hang
anyway, enjoy your chapter

*Three weeks later*

Octavia and I had spent almost every single day together these past three weeks. After my injury, I guessed she wanted to stay by my side, make sure I wasn't off getting myself killed or something. I'd noticed her temper skyrocket whenever I was not with her for more than ten minutes. She seemed off and touchy and on edge whenever Raven was around. I didn't know what was going on.

Raven on the other hand seemed to be doing just fine. Those few days after I left, she was a mess. She spent most of her time working, not talking to anyone. I was worried about her, but I had to think about myself for once.

The day I found out Raven and Wick had started dating, it took all of my friends plus Abby and Kane to keep me from pounding his smug face into next Tuesday.

Whatever. I remember thinking. Whatever. Was all that ran through my mind as I broke from my friends' arms and went MIA for another 24 hours. Octavia almost killed me when I got back.

"How long does it take you guys to count bullets? We need the stats before Clarke meets with Lexa." Bellamy said coldly. Octavia, Jasper, Monty and I were all sitting around a campfire counting bullets from a stash Raven had found in a supply crate. It was more of counting bullets for five seconds, then laughing our asses off for ten minutes. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Jasper had slowly made his way out of his depression and was becoming himself again. He was still quiet and distant, but we were helping him.

"Bellamy, we'll get it done. They're leaving in two days anyway." Octavia said, rolling her eyes at the uptight brown-haired guy standing over us.

"We need to know how many bullets we have so we can supply them accurately. Don't play stupid, O." Bellamy shot back, shifting the gun that slung over his shoulder. Octavia looked at him, annoyance burning in her eyes.

"Maybe we would be able to do it, if you stopped hovering and snapping at us every five seconds." The girl said with a sarcastic smile.
Bellamy huffed, shaking his head.

"Maybe I would stop hovering, if you guys actually did some work for once." Octavia shot up and got in his face at his remark. I stood up and pulled her back.

"Octavia, it's fine. Just sit down." I ordered, she looked back at me, anger in her eyes.

"Bellamy, we're almost finished. We'll get it done." I ignored Octavia's scoff and dropped her arm as she reluctantly sat down. Bellamy looked at me and nodded, before turning and walking towards the square of Arkadia.

I sat back down on the log next to Octavia and looked at her, concerned. I could tell she was ignoring my stare as she furiously counted each bullet in the box she was working on and slammed them in the bucket.

I glanced at Monty and Jasper that looked surprised with their eyebrows raised and their mouths in an 'o' shape. I sent them confused looks and they shrugged, shaking their heads.
I cleared my throat and picked up my own box of bullets, counting each one before tossing them in the bucket.

I cleared my throat, "Is everything okay?" I asked, marking the paper as I finished a box.

"Yes." She said bluntly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

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