25 - Tuttugu og Fimm

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I finished my meal and placed the tray on the bedside table. Let's try walking again, shall we?

I swung my legs on to the side of the bed, and suddenly felt really dizzy. Without the support of the bed-head on my back, it suddenly seemed impossible to sit straight, let alone stand. Even after my werewolf healing abilities, my entire body was sore, and the mere action of trying to move myself caused an immense head ache, starting from my hurt ear.

I told myself my journey wasn't going to be too far this time. Not all the way to my backpack, anyway.

I just needed to make a lot fewer steps.

I held the bedside table and forced myself to stand. It was painful on my back, and I'm sure I'm supposed to be resting to facilitate the healing process, but sedation my ass I'm sure he was here.

I slowly made my way towards the window between my bed and the next and did a penguin-like run-walk to the window pane.

I held on to it hard to keep myself from falling. But the touch brought nothing to calm my senses, as I thought it would.

No remnant scent either.

But I was so sure. I could sense him near me last night.

I sighed. I made the trip for nothing.

Well, at least I can still walk.

Even if I look like I can't.

I walked up slowly to my bed again, feeling suddenly tired.

I lay down, and before I knew it, I was asleep again.


"Wake up!" I heard a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes to find Jasper looking at me worriedly.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Just come with me," he said and left the room without looking back.

I pushed the sheets aside and got out of bed quickly, making my way towards the door.

I paused before I could get out.

I looked at my arms and legs. I was standing perfectly straight, there was no pain, and nothing was sore.


What did Jasper give me to have healed this fast?

I had no idea what it was but it had somehow facilitated my already fast healing powers.

I followed him outside and saw that he was waiting at the landing of the staircase to go down.

"Hurry up Rayne," he said and I jog-walked to reach him.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Sven is in trouble," he said.

Sven is in trouble? Why does that not make sense?

He is the source of all troubles.

But why does Jasper look so worried?

I hope Sven's okay.


I followed Jasper to the edge of the arena. The scene in front of me was similar to last night's; the entire band was present, but they were facing away from us.

As soon as we stepped in, everybody, as if in sync, turned around to face us.

Every face was solemn, and I couldn't understand the gravity of the situation.

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