15 - Fimmtánda

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I got my stuff from the back and came outside to see Alessio and Uriah getting up from their seats. Rhett, another waiter here, went to collect their bill as they headed towards me.

"Let's go," Uriah said.

I just sighed and walked out after them. They waited for me to catch up to them and then flanked my sides.

Honestly, I'm not even going to complain anymore.

We walked and turned to a smaller road where a car was parked. Alessio took the car keys and motioned for me to get in.

I got in the back as Uriah sat in the passenger seat.

Alessio pulled out onto the main road again, heading further away from my home. Everything about everything is making me feel uneasy, at this point.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"You'll see," Uriah said.

Can these guys get anymore typical?

"We're headed to the Dwelling," replied Alessio.

"What? Whose dwelling?" I asked, confused.

"It's the Dwelling. And it's where we live with the other Liet members," he replied.

They're taking me to their lair. I looked up to the heavens for help.

You put yourself into this mess.

No I didn't. I was pulled into it.

I just hope I get some answers though. Maybe I'll get some insight to understand what my dreams mean.


I was lying on the grass and looking at the clouds in the sky. I felt calm.

I could hear the song my Gramma Rosabelle would sing to me. It came to me in bits and pieces along with the wind. But I knew it so well, everything fit together.

Look at the sky, when
You're feeling lonely.
The stars only sparkle,
For your company.

Look at the sky, when
You're feeling scared.
Wait for gold sunshine
That weaves through your hair.

Listen to the wind,
As it speaks of the story,
That you will live through
In peace and harmony.

Listen to the wind,
As it carries the laughter
Along with the cries
Of who will come after.

Feel under your fingers,
The touch of crisp grass,
Your bed, when you have none
He gives all that he has.

Feel under your fingers,
The touch of soft velvet,
It's what he adorns you
With the colors of sunset.

Sense the mighty power
Of cold Iron when bare,
Nor Gold, nor Silver
Can ever compare.

Sense the mighty power
In your heart that you hold
It will only grow stronger
Each day, as you grow old.

For Gold and Silver
Are mere riches, a display
Of wealth, not always
Rightfully obtained.

But Iron is Strength
It runs in your veins
It is a gift from the heavens
And a symbol of your reign.


"Rayne? Rayne, wake up," I could hear Uriah say as he was shaking my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes to see him.

"We're almost there," he said smiling.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked him.

He turned back to look in the front.

"Well, almost the entire hour-long trip," he said.

Was I really that exhausted?

"Good thing too. You needed your energy for tonight," said Alessio.

What's tonight?

"I don't understand," I said.

"You will," Uriah replied, smirking.

I sighed and looked outside my window to see rows of trees on both sides of the two-way road. There was a sign up ahead and pointing to the right, that said 'Closed Till Hunting Season'.

Alessio took the right and we moved down the road into the forest which was now really dark, the road lamps long gone, only the headlights to guide us.

But Alessio seemed to know every bit of this road as if on the back of his head, and drove smoothly along the curves and turns.

Up ahead, two men stood guarding a small gate and were dressed in police uniform. They opened the gates for us as the car approached.

A wide patch of cemented land surrounded by cement walls was what I could make out in the few working, yet dim lamps neatly placed along the wall.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It's an abandoned military training base. Our Liet band has lived here for years now. It's practically erased in the official records, so nobody bothers us," Uriah said. The setting made more sense now.

"How do you manage to travel this far everyday to school?" I asked, thoroughly concerned about their daily commute.

"It's not a big deal. Temporary, anyway," Alessio said.

Umm, okay.

I could see a few buildings towards the end of the road. They probably used to be trainee accommodation.

Alessio parked his car in a designated parking lot. I got out and took a better look around.

The other cars here seemed pretty old and worn-out. It was still pretty dark, the few open windows of the closest building providing just enough illumination to see.

I wonder how they get electricity and water out here. Or even essential resources. They're so far from hospitals, schools, civilization. Everything must be so much harder for them.

I realized again, how difficult it can be to live in a Liet band as opposed to living in a pack. Without the support of the Palace, it is difficult to survive in the werewolf world, at all.

Yet there are those, who are willing to pay the price for absolute freedom.

But is it worth it?

I saw Uriah go into the building already as Alessio turned the engine off and got out of the car to stand with me.

"Welcome to the Dwelling, Rayne."

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