The Rebel Flesh (part 1)

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"Who wants fish and chips?" The Doctor asked, seemingly out of nowhere. He had been messing with the TARDIS console all morning, while the rest of us lazed around playing darts among other things.

I knew what was coming up next, and I didn't want to leave Amy during it-- so I hung around for longer than I planned, despite my 3-month break from Area 51 nearly being over, and despite how much I felt I needed some distance from the Doctor.

Rory raised his hand.

"Is that really a thing British people eat that often?" I asked out of curiosity, leaning against the console.

"Yes, and you should try it some time." The Doctor came up behind me and began pushing me towards Amy and Rory. "How bout now? I'll drop all three of you off. Take your time, don't rush."

I spun back around, glaring. "Really? And what about you?"

"I have things to do. Things involving... other things." The Doctor tried.

I walked right back up to him, and understood what he was trying when I saw what was on the monitor-- a pregnancy test for Amy that kept fluctuating between positive and negative.

The Doctor pushed a button to shut it off quickly. I immediately pushed it back on, and then off again in my own time, giving him an exasperated look. "Really, Doctor? You could just say you want me to leave."

"I don't want you to--!" The Doctor began to protest, but we were interrupted by a sudden jolt of the TARDIS.

The TARDIS kept spazzing back and forth, throwing around everyone in the room violently. "Stupid sun!" I complained, trying to keep a hold of the TARDIS railing I was flung at.

"Solar tsunami! Came directly from your sun!" The Doctor shouted as he tried to get a hold of the controls. "Big, big big!"

I used the force of the next jolt to fling myself backwards towards the console and quickly examine the state of the machine. "Doctor, it's not going to work! The gyro's dislocated, we're just gonna land wherever we land!"

"Oh, great!" Amy exclaimed.

"Nova, my tummy's going funny!" Rory whined.

"Just hold on!" I shouted back.

The TARDIS suddenly froze, and everything immediately felt normal again, as if it were never malfunctioning in the first place.

"Textbook landing." The Doctor smiled.

Amy scoffed.


We stepped out onto a northern island, a weathervane with a cockerel on it resting on top of the spire of a monastery.

"Behold, a cockerel! Love a cockerel. And, underneath, a monastery. 13th-century." The Doctor grinned.

"Oh, we've gone all medieval!" Amy squinted up at the sprawling stone structure.

"I'm not sure about that..." Rory paced around confused.

"Really? Medieval expert, are you?" Amy crossed her arms.

"No, it's just that I can hear Dusty Springfield."

We continued walking towards the sound, finding an exposed pipe in the ground. "These fissures are new. The solar tsunami sent out a huge wave of gamma particles. This was caused by a magnetic quake that occurred just before the wave hit."

"Well, the monastery's still standing." Amy pointed out.

"Yeah, for now." The Doctor scanned the pipe on the ground with his screwdriver. "It's a supply pipe. Ceramic inner lining. They're pumping something nasty off this island, into the mainland."

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