The Curse of the Black Spot (pt 3)

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Later in the night, the waters picked up— our only chance of escape.

I scrambled to pull at some ropes in the intense thunderstorm with Amy and Rory. Which ropes exactly, I had no idea-- because I did not speak the same language as Captain Avery.

"To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails, avast ye! Put the bunt into the sack of the clews!" He screamed through the harsh rain that was soaking us all.

"I swear he's making half this stuff up!" Amy struggled, clutching onto a rope rather than actually doing anything with it.

"I think he's making all of it up!" I tugged on the same rope over and over.

"What we really need is some sort of phrase book!" Rory shouted.

The Doctor attempted to steer, while Avery kept pulling levers and cutting ropes. "Toby, find my coat! My compass is inside it, boy." He shouted to his son, before facing us again. "Heave ho, you bilge rats!"

"Did anyone get that?" I shouted.

"Rats was all I could hear!" Rory exclaimed.

As Toby struggled to lug his father's heavy coat towards him, something fell out of it and rolled along the floor-- An extremely expensive gold crown-- with a reflective surface.

Toby and his father exchanged a look. They knew what he had done.

The siren reached a hand out, and then floated above the ship gracefully.

Toby reached out and stumbled to her. I knew that I could reach her also if I could only make it across. The only emotion I was capable of feeling was longing to be with her.

Toby disappeared with her, and I tried moving forward also. I couldn't perceive space anymore. I had no idea if I was close to her or not, but I must have been, because the Doctor pushed me away, and threw the crown into the ocean.

"No!" Avery cried. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"You couldn't give up the gold, could you? That's why you turned pirate!" The Doctor screamed at Avery. "Your commission, your wife, your son! Just how much is that treasure worth to you, man?"

Another huge gush of wind swept across the ship and knocked Rory out of the sails, into the violent ocean.

"Rory!" Amy ran to the side of the ship, trying to look overboard. "I can't see him. Doctor, I'm going in!"

Amy began taking her coat off, ready to jump in after her husband, but the Doctor caught up to her, forcing her coat back on and holding her by it. "He's drowning. You go in after him and you'll drown too. There's only one thing that can save him now!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The Siren!" The Doctor reminded her.

"Yes!" I cheered, something about that statement making me extremely excited.

"Oh, no, not you," The Doctor placed a hand on my cheek for just a moment before turning back to Amy, yanking her by her coat lapels. "The Siren, she wants him. We have to release her! You need to hold Nova back!"

Amy grabbed my arms behind my back as the Doctor ran over to the water barrel.

"He's drowning, go save him!" The Doctor told the creature as she was released.

The Siren did as she was told, but came back on the ship, reaching out for me.

"Yes!" I cheered again, pushing Amy behind me, and moving forward.

"Nova!" The Doctor tried. I didn't understand why, or what he was trying to do, but eventually he caught up to me, and kept me back from her.

"Let me go!" I thrashed around, whining. I tried lunging forward, but I could feel his cheek right next to mine, his arms hooking mine behind me. He was doing everything in his power to hold me back, and it was making me mad. "Why won't you let me go? You let Rory go but not me? You love Rory more than me!" I felt like crying and laughing at the same time. I barely understood what I was saying.

supernova: gravity (11th doctor)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя