So here's the plan...

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~Blake's POV~

I couldn't sleep,

It was the next day, and Becca still hasn't come back...where was she?

I was in the kitchen, tired and stressed. I could hear footsteps, from upstairs. I saw Dylan coming down the stair, he had sleepy eyes.
I rubbed my eyes and took a sip of my dark coffee. I spend all night worrying for Becca.

"Where's my sister?" He asked, while opening the fridge.

How could I lie to a nine year old?

"She's at Claire's..."

He waved it off, and went back upstairs.

I got up, and went to the living room, I turned on the TV, and it was the news.
I turned it right back off.

I had enough of this...

"Dylan, in going to pick up becca!" I called out. He didn't reply.
I ran out of the house, my keys were in my pocket.

I went into the car, and called Claire.
She answered.

"Where is Rebecca?!" I said.

"Look, I don't really know... But I have something to tell you, meet me at 260, 8th ave." She finished.

"For what!?" She cut me off by hanging up the phone.

I guess I have to go there to find out what's going on... I drove to that address, it was a house that was white and blue. It kinda look nice...
Claire was out on the porch sitting on a chair. She was waiting for me.

I stepped out of the car and walked towards her. She was staring st the ground like she was ashamed of something, like she has been crying.


She looked at me. With disappointment like she wanted to see someone else.

There was a chair right next to her.
I sat down in it.

"Where's Rebecca?" I asked once more.

"I don't know." She said, and looked like she was about to cry.
"Do you know where she is?" I questioned. "No, if I did I would've told you!" She declared.

"Well if you know something say it!" I stated. She didn't reply... What was she going to tell me.

"Fine!" She admitted.

"We didnt want anyone to know..." She started.

"But she was the one that trusted you, and she wanted to tell you. But it started a week ago, I did an experiment..." She continued.

"What experiment?!"

"A science experience! Its actually worked! But it had some effects..." She finished.

"What kind of effects?!"

"Some abilities..." She said, while looking at the ground. "What kind of abilities?" I asked.

"I don't really know! But I thought it would help...but all I did was put her in harms way..." She was ashamed for what she did, I could tell.

"Harms way?"

"She was kidnapped! The red hood got her and I don't know what to do!" She yelled.

I got silent when she said that.
We stayed silent for 10 minutes, all I was thinking about how scared she must be... Wait Rebecca's brave so she might handle everything there.
But what were they going to do to her!? What if they hurt her....I'll never forgive myself. I was the one who let her leave. I was the one who got her mad or sad. I had to speak...

"We have to ho find her!" I demanded


"I don't know, but we have to make a plan?" I suggested.

"What I'm not getting myself killed!" She said in disbelief.

"So you rather have your best friend killed?!"

"No, I want her back!" She said.

"Then that's what we're going to do." I said.

She nodded.

"So here's the plan..."

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