Remain clam...

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~Rebeccas POV~

"So you mix this liquid and-" the techee was about to finish his sentence but some kid raised their hand, I turned around and saw that it was Henry Gritts...ugh I hate this kid...he always tries to be funny but I always fails...

"Yes Harry?"

"Its Henry..." He corrected.
The teacher nodded his head.
But what kinda name is gritts?

"Umm I'm reading a book about anti gravity..." He continued.

"And its impossible to out down!" He said and laughed at his own joke...

I heard slow clapping...oh wait that's me.

He turned around.
I just innocently smiled.

"What are you smiling at geek?" He asked and smirked, he thought that was a clever comeback, I stopped clapping...

"Oh nice comeback! Did you learn that from your grandma?" I asked.

Everyone "ohhhh" and my comeback. The teacher just sat there letting it happen...that's why I like this class!

"Well your to ugly to insult..." He said.
That didn't even hurt, I just let it slide.

"I'm sorry but I'm not a mirror..." I sarcastically said, then looked at my nails.

"Well-" he forgot what he was boing to say...

"Ding dong...what that? Oh its a elavator, because you're not on my level..." I said and smirked.

"Haha very funny, no one thinks your remarks are funny..." He said.
"And no one thinks your are funny either..." I said, and faked smiled. He glared at me and I glared back...we were having a glare off...

"Well I think her remarks are funny..." Someone said out of nowhere, interupying the glare off... I looked around to see who it was and it was only Blake...

He stood up, I gave him a look of confusion...

"Everyone who thinks that Rebecca's remarks are funny stand up!" He began, okay this has gone way too far...what is he doing?

Basically the whole room stood up, even the teacher...

I looked back at Henry, who was there trying to tell people to sit down...

"Hey Pennywise the clown wants his act back..." I said and smirked.

"Shut up..." He mumbled.
I ignored it...

20 minutes later...
I heard the speaker that was in the class go off...

"This is not a drill, everyone remain calm-"

"What going on!?" Chloe screamed. Everyone hushed her so we could hear what the speaker was saying.

"The whole entire school is on lockdown, stay in your classrooms,and listen to your teachers directions. Stay safe." The speaker finished.

Everyone started panicking... I was the only one that was calm.
The teacher was even panicking!
I guess I had no choice...

I cleared my throat.

"Everyone! Go to the corner of the room, and stay there." I ordered.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at me,
They had no other choice but to listen to me...

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