Part 4: Pitiful Persistence

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"Keith, Keeeeeeiiiiith. Budddyyyyy...."

Keith opens his eyes blearily. He registers the wide smile first, then the tan skin, before he finally sees the blue eyes looking down at him.

"Hey there sleepy head," Lance smirks.

'Hey! You ok? Did you have a nightmare?! Do you need me to..."

"Whoa, what?!" Lance catches Keith by the shoulders as he suddenly sits up.

"No, no, Hunk made breakfast. I thought you'd like some."

"Breakfast? What...." Keith rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Why are we... what time is it?"

"About 9:30."


No. It couldn't be. Keith hadn't slept til 7 am, let alone 9:30 in years! He hadn't been bragging when he told Lance that he didn't sleep. He really didn't. Insomnia was as much a part of him as his signature haircut. His body had learned to maximize whatever sleep he got, which was usually only about three good hours a night. He almost always woke up around 6 am, hit the training deck, showered, then met Shiro when he finally emerged around eight o'clock.

"Sooooooo~" Lance's gaze searches Keith as he stares into space. "Breakfast?"

Keith is knocked out of his trance.

"Breakfast?! Yes, yes. Sounds good." Keith scrambles up. He's behind schedule. He hasn't worked out, or showered, or cleaned Red.

"Ok, I'll tell Hunk to make you a plate. You should go shower." Lance smiles over from the doorway.

"Yeah, ok."

Lance turns to leave.


He freezes. Keith fumbles pulling his boots on.

"Do you uh... feel better?" He sneaks a glance up as Lance beams and pushes up his sleeves.

"Much better. I really owe you. I'll save you a plate!" He waves over his shoulder as he heads out into the hall.

Damn. Keith presses his hands to his heated cheeks. I could get used to this.


Lance still hasn't fully recovered, it'll take another full night's sleep for that, but his reflexes have greatly improved. Keith still tosses him clear across the room, but it takes at least 10 minutes for that to happen.

They run through drills and Lance is able to follow Pidge's instructions through the invisible electrical maze swiftly. He only gets electrocuted twice, but he would swear that that's because she lead him into the walls on purpose. He even manages to be one of the final two standing when the paladins go against the drones. He falls through the floor, and Shiro joins them a few seconds later. He ruffles Lance's hair and speaks quietly so only the two of them can hear.

"Much better. Glad you're looking more yourself."

Lance flushes at the praise and nods.

They eat dinner enthusiastically together. Coran entertains them with stories of Altean creatures that seem impossible, and the way they used to farm them or ride them around the plains. Keith and Shiro listen politely, Allura interjects with her own experiences, while Hunk, Pidge, and Lance make sarcastic comments to one another under their breath. It's barely 10 pm, but Lance can already feel exhaustion catching up with him. His eyelids are heavy and he stifles a few too many yawns. Hunk notices.

"Go to bed already." He elbows him in the side. Lance rubs his sensitive ribs.

"But I wanna know how Coran survived a grumblestork attack," Lance smirks.

"Just go. I don't wanna have to carry your skinny ass to your bed because you've passed out here."

"Fine, fine." Lance sighs and stands. "Even though I'm sure you secretly enjoy carrying me around." He pushes his chair out and begins to walk back to his room.

"Goodnight everybody! I'm off to get my beauty sleep, though I hardly think I need it." He laughs at his own joke. Allura scoffs, Pidge groans, but Keith's expression is surprisingly blank. He locks eyes with Lance in a moment of unvoiced questioning. Lance's smug expression drops and he nods in Keith's direction.

He walks into his bedroom and closes the door with an exhale.

"Ok," He shucks off his jacket. "Let's try this.".


2am. It's 2am when Keith hears the aggressive rapping on his door. He's cleaning his Bayard, but tosses it off the bed and runs over to the door. He yanks it open, half expecting someone to say that the Galra are attacking, but instead he just sees Lance. Shirtless, sweaty, and trembling in the dark hallway.

"I...I'm sorry, I just..."

"Get in here," Keith whispers. He gently tugs Lance into the room and guides him over to the bed. He wraps a blanket around his shoulders in an attempt to stop him shivering. Lance's eyes are rimmed with red.

"I thought I'd be ok," He spits. He hasn't made eye-contact with Keith once, too ashamed of what he's been reduced to.

"It's ok. Hey..." Keith sinks next to him on the bed. "I don't mind. You can come here as much as you need."

"Augh," Lance flops over and groans into the pillow. "I hate this."

"I know, I know," Keith smirks. He crawls next to Lance and steals back some of his blankets. He lets his hand trail over Lance's bicep. He tries to make it seem casual, but he checks to see if Lance has stopped shaking. He has, but his skin is still sticky from sweat.

"Just try to get to sleep now. You can feel like a loser in the morning."

"You're such a comfort."

Keith laughs softly. Lance rolls over and places his arms above the blankets. His position mirror Keith's, with both of them on their back and staring at the ceiling. Keith can feel Lance's pulse vibrate through the mattress and the nervous twitching of his toes.

"Are you even tired?"

"Sorry, sorry." Lance grunts. "I'm just kind of wired right now. It'll take a while for me to calm down." Lance glances at Keith next to him. He tries not to notice how fair his skin looks in the dim light, or how his dark hair spills onto the pillow like silk.

"You uh..." He swallows. "You can read if you want. You don't have to keep me company or anything."

Keith just shrugs.

"I don't actually hate you, Lance. I want to make sure you're ok."

"Pffft, I'm fine. Go back to playing with your sword." Lance scoffs, but his bravado is weak. Keith scowls and rolls over onto his elbow. He looks down into Lance's face so he can't avoid him.


Boy, I wonder what's next c( ;

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