Part 1: Nightly Escapades

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The nightmares start gradually.

Just slight flashes of discomfort. Winces in the night that slightly disturb Lance's slumber, but barely register the next morning. A negative feeling. A flash of feeling trapped. They're small and inconsequential. Whenever anyone asks the next morning how he slept, he replies with "Fine," because that's how he remembers it. They are nothing to worry about.

But they get worse.

Where he would normally just roll over and push the thoughts at bay, he is now wide awake in a cold sweat. The images linger in his head and reappear as soon as he shuts his eyes. His body seizes up and he gasps as if he hasn't taken a breath for several minutes. Distorted faces flash in his memory reminding him of fears he's tried to ignore. He can't just roll over and go back to sleep anymore and the silence of space only makes his thoughts louder.

Lance doesn't sleep.

He feels drawn out, like a car that is running on fumes and sheer willpower. His efforts are commendable, but he can't keep up with the other paladins. Dark circles appear under his eyes and he gets his ass handed to him consistently in the training room. He doesn't spring back onto his feet, but instead lays face down in the mats, thankful for the few seconds of rest. He thinks he could probably pass out then and there if Keith wasn't shrieking at him to "Get up already! Man, what is wrong with you?!".

He knows he has a problem when he starts nodding off in Shiro's pep talks and he has to apologize profusely for it.

"I'm not trying to be rude," Lance repeats in one of the castle's hallways when Shiro has pulled him aside.

"I swear, I wanna get better! I'm not trying to...."

"Lance," And Shiro uses that tone that makes his stomach drop. It sounds just like his older brother, and it floods him with guilt. Shiro looks at him with understanding and concern.

"I know you're trying, I'm not accusing you of being lazy." Shiro places a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Tell me what's wrong?"

Lance worries his bottom lip. He feels immature and stupid. How can he tell this man, someone he's admired for years, that he can't sleep because he's scared? That's what five-year-olds say. He's been swallowed by robot lions and shot at by aliens, what could possibly scare him anymore?

"Nothing, I'm just..." Lance steps away and rolls his shoulder out of Shiro's grasp. Hurt flickers on Shiro's face for just a moment.

"I think being in space for so long is affecting me. My sleep pattern seems to be off. I've just gotta get it back on schedule." Lance stares at his feet. Shiro purses his lips but doesn't call him out on his obvious lie. He nods and sighs.

"Ok. I hope you get better." And he sincerely does.

It's 3 am that night when Lance concedes defeat and admits that he is not going to get any sleep. He's exhausted. His eyes sting and his joints ache, but his heart beats thunderously. Fear has a way of pushing someone to their limits, and if Lance were in a better mindset, he'd almost be impressed. The walls of his dull room, devoid of any childhood trinkets or personal touches, starts to feel claustrophobic. He rolls out of bed and begins to stumble down the hall. He doesn't really have a destination. He entertains the idea of maybe going to the observation deck. The endless expanse of space did have a way of making him sleepy, but his route changes when he hears rustling coming from the kitchen.

Oh, Hunk. He hums to himself. Hunk is an immeasurable comfort to Lance on this crazy adventure. A shred of home life that keeps him tethered and sane. Lance thinks that he might be able to get some sleep on a couch or something if he knows that Hunk is in the same room. Hunk would do that for him, right? Even if he couldn't, Lance knows that his friend always comes ready with a hot drink and an understanding smile.

Lance shuffles dopily into the kitchen, ready to be swept up in his friend's comforting arms when he freezes at the counter. Lance chokes a little bit at the back of his throat, making the other paladin turn. Keith's eyes widen as he takes in the sight before him.


First Part posted! Updates should be about every few days<3

PS: this story is sort of a slow burn, just wait, I gets good😉

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