My Mate is Married - Chapter 25

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Seneca's POV

I took a nice long shower making sure to get all the dirt and debris from the woods out of my hair. Afterwards, I blow dried my hair and went to my mothers room to borrow some of her clothes.

While in her room, I looked around remembering all the times that I sat outside the door listening to her and my dad fight. He was just as bad, if not worse to her. I never understood why she didn't leave him, why she wouldn't leave him to keep me safe.

But I knew my mother had issues. I'm just not sure how anyone could stay with a man that takes advantage of her like that.

It makes me think about myself and Miles. He's obviously no where even close to as bad as my dad was. But still he obviously doesn't respect his wife enough to not to cheat on her. And in her own house, in her own room for that matter.

I just don't want May to be sitting down one day wondering why her mother didn't have enough self respect to leave him.

My thoughts were clouding my head as I headed towards the stairs but they were interrupted by the laughter downstairs. I quickly realized that it was May'a and I crept down the stairs half way to listen in.

"Stop tickling me Daddy!" She yelled out

"I can't sweet heart, I just love hearing your laugh." He chuckled

I could hear him set may down to the ground and she immediately jumped on him tickling him right back. I peeked through the railing as I watched her hug her father around the neck.

"I love you dad"
"I love you too May"

Awe, my heart strings. But how could I ever take her away from that. That good relationship with her father that I so deeply yearned for as a child.

Could I really leave him and upset her whole life like that. It would ultimately change her entire future.
Would she spend half the time with me and then him. Would I not see her for weeks at a time between custody agreements.

It's just too much to do to her. She needs her family. I just don't know if I can do it.

I headed the rest of the way down the stairs just as the doorbell rang. I walked to answer the door but my mother sped past me and opened it. She loves being a typical southern hostess.

Once the door opened I could see the several police that stood out on the porch, I'm sure waiting to speak with me.

My Mother offered for them to come inside and we all sat down at the dining room table.

The chief of police was the first one to speak to me.
"Ok, Lun....." he cleared his throat "hm, I mean Seneca we have a few questions for you."

He preceded to ask me the same questions that my family asked and I told him the same made up story that I told to them.

Once again I just couldn't bring myself to betray Ace. I was still so hurt, but for some reason I felt like I had to protect him still.

"So you're sure there's nothing else you can remember about the kidnapper or where he kept you. What he looked like, anything at all would be helpful."

"No, I'm sorry like I said I was blindfolded the whole time."

It was odd because for a moment I thought I saw him try to hide a smile on his face. How strange.

"Well Ms. Seneca that will be all for now. I'll have my men scope through the woods to see if they can find any clues to who could have done this."

"We won't stop until we make sure that all of this is made right."

As the rest of the police headed out past me I felt as though it was odd that every single one of them kept their heads low and didn't make eye contact as they passed me.

Right before the chief walked out the front door he turned and asked if he could speak to me for a moment on the porch.

I walked outside and made sure to look around for any signs of Ace. The chief must have noticed my looks of paranoia - "you don't have to worry about him you know. He's not going to jump out and get you."

"You say 'him' like you know who the kidnapper is already" I said crossing my arms across my chest. I'm sure he could see the irritation on my face.

"Oh, uh no - I just was trying to give you some comfort. Don't worry we'll be watching the house closely.

Anyway, I called you out here just to tell you that I'm here if you need anything. Anything at all. If you feel unsafe for any reason, and I don't just mean from this kidnapper, if anyone makes you feel unsafe don't hesitate to call me right away.

Me and my men are here to serve and protect you .... uh and this town."

He reached out and handed me a business card.
I grabbed it eyeing it curiously.

"That number will get you directly to me, so like I said use that number if you need anything at all."

I hadn't realized that I was blushing at this point. Is he like hitting on me or is his genuine concern. It's all very suspicious.

"Uh, thank you, I'll be sure to let you know if I sense any danger."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Have a good night Lun..... uh Seneca."

With that he turned and headed off the porch. Then he climbed into his police car and waved with a smile as he drove off.

Hmm, how strange I wonder why he mixed up my name a few times tonight? Maybe I look like someone else he knows.

I started to walk inside but was stopped just as I headed through. Miles was standing just inside the door with his arms crossed against his chest.

"What was he talking about to you?"

"I take it you already know as you were standing so close to the door."

"Yeah, well I don't appreciate anyone flirting with my wife."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes
"Yeah, well I don't appreciate anyone sleeping with my husband."

I pushed past him, grabbed May and headed up to my old room to sleep. There's no way I'm going home with him tonight. I just have too much to think about.

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