Chapter 8: The Trip of A Life Time

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Its been about a week since the Lake trip and i haven't heard from Reggie. Sam told me she was okay but something bad happened to her. I cursed to myself. I was afraid that something like this would happen. It was now about the severity. She told me it wasn't her place to tell and that when Reggie was ready to tell me she would.

But i am thinking the worst and its putting me on edge. Reggie comes with Sam and she looks okay. She is wearing a black hoodie and her typical black holey jeans.

"You guys ready? Everyone hop in!" Jonnie says as he gets in the drivers seat. Sam sits in the passenger and me and Reggie sit in the back. We put a couple blankets and pillows in the back to make it really comfy. "I NOW OFFICIALLY START OUR FALL BREAK ROAD TRIP!"

"WOOOO!!!!" yells Sam and Jonnie. I chuckle and shake my head at them. Reggie has a smirk on her face.

"Lets go!" He starts the car and we were off. We spend the time laughing talking about stories about each other. After two hours of laughing, Singing, and sharing stories we finally fall asleep. She seems a lot more tame than usual. She is not as loud and lively as i hoped she would be. Something really did happen. I know she isn't ready to tell me whats going on but I want her to know that I am here for her. Even if a thousand things go wrong I want her to know that our relationship is not one of them.

"Do you want to stretch out? You look sleepy." I ask her. She looks at me and nods slowly. We lay horizontally in the back seat with me in her arms. She is so warm. She slides her fingers in my hair and its the most soothing thing I have every felt in my life. I hear random sniffles every now and then. She must be trying to hold it in. I noticed since I met her I have been more vocal with my feelings and thoughts. Its amazing how much one person can change your life. Sam and Jonnie hold hands up front talking amongst one another as my eyes slowly close.

After and hour we finally get to our campsite location. The site provided us with two canoes to go on the lake with. We go out on the lake boys in one canoe and girls in the other.


Sam just shakes her head in silence as he races off. We race them to the end, but we were losing badly. So we gave up halfway and took our time.

"Do you know whats wrong with Reggie?" Jonnie doesn't say anything. "So you do." I say. "Why am i the last to know? I thought we decided to not hide secrets and your all hiding something from me."

"This is a little different." Jonnie says.

" It really isn't."

"Bailey, Do you like Reggie?" I don't say anything. I just look ahead and keep pedaling. Im not quite sure. We are in a weird place since she confessed to me. I don't even know she feels the same way anymore.

"I think we are friends." I finally say. Jonnie laughs.

"Nah i don't think so. Even if that was true would you seriously be happy with that? Think about it."

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Yells Sam. We look a head of us and Reggie and Sam are in the water. Reggie is dying of laughter trying to swim to the shore.

We take our canoe to land and die of laughter. "Babe, what happened?!"

"We tipped over!" Sam says annoyed. Jonnie walks over to her and gives her a light kiss on the lips.

"Lets get you both dried off." We all head back to the camp the girls switched into warm clothes while me and Bailey get her birthday cake all set up. We all sing happy birthday as Sam came back wth Reggie.

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