Chapter 5: Because they are their girlfriends

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"We are going to get you just stay put and stay on the line." Sam says. Sam looks at me and Jonnie.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asks.

"The three of us can go and find her." Jonnie says as he grabs his coat. "She is by the center right?"

"Around there yeah."

Jonnie grabs his keys. "Lets go." We all hop in the Car and it was absolutely unbelieveable. There was fire in almost every directions. Guns popping off and people yelling.

"Shit, Reggie." Sam says in an angry tone.

"Why does she do this?" Jonnie asks her. "By the way she is acting we can tell she doesn't want to do this shit, so why?"

Sam shakes her head. "I don't know. There are some things she even keeps from me. But she said it will be bad and I know Reggie if it was doable she would have just bit the bullet."

"Oh my God." I say as I see the center on fire. Sam gasps and covers her mouth. Jonnie slams the steering wheel with his hand in anger.

"Shit." He says. Thats it. The center can't be rebuilt now. I lean back in my seat and rub my face exhausted.

Then all of sudden Sam gaps and points out in the distant. "THERE! SHE IS OVER THERE." Jonnie drives on the grass and parks near enough to her.

"Reggie!" Sam yells. Reggie quickly snaps her head in our direction with her eyes clothes in relief.

"Sam?!" She says. I look to see the little girl she was with.

"It's Beth!" I lightly touch Beth's shoulder. She must have gotten hit with the gas too.

"Beth, its me Bailey." She starts crying again and reaches out for me.

"Bailey!!!" She cries. I pull her up in my arms and held he close.

"It's okay you are safe now. We will rinse ur eyes and everything will be okay." I assure her.

Jonnie picks Reggie up and places her in the back seat with Sam.

"Shit Reggie you look like you have been through a war zone! Have you been shot?" Reggie doesn't say much except she is kicking the door repeatedly to distract her from the pain.

Immediately cop siren's follow the car. "Ah shit." Jonnie says annoyed. We stop. "Act calm I got this."

The cop asks over to us. He flashes the light in the car. "What are y'all doing out here when u know there is a bashing? It's too dangerous." Reggie in excruciating pain is squirming around. Beth is still crying in a lot of pain.
The cops looks at them both. "What happened to those two?"
"Our friend save this child and they both got in the cross fire of tear gas." Jonnie explains.

"We need to take them home and treat them." I add. After I said it, I was kind of in disbelief that I spoke out.  Usually in situations like this I usually let Jonnie do all the talking.

The cop looks at Reggie one last time.
"I feel like I have seen her before.." He looks at Sam as well. "Aren't you riverside girls?"

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