Chapter 27

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Adrinna's POV:

I wake up some couple of hours later and very hungry, "hey I am hungry here!" I snap.

"Shut up your food will be here soon princess", the man says.

 I sigh, I wonder if I can freeze my rope and get out? I'll have to try.

I close my eyes and feel my hands starting to get cold, I feel the ice forming then I got up from my bed and touch the floor with my foot and smash my hands against it. I am free!!

I take off my blindfold and untie my feet, I am not in my dress anymore but in a sweatpants and baggy shirt. I have to get out off here, the door opens and a man comes in with a tray but drops it when he sees me.

"She's trying to escape!" He yells as I see the broken window, it is now or never. I dash to the window and look down, I am pretty high up also nothin- I am grab from behind and feel a needle pierce through the side of my neck and I black out.


Third POV:

"Take her and make sure she doesn't try to escape again", he snaps toward his two hutch-men, one of them take the unconscious Adrianna in his arm and leave the room. He turns his other hutch man,"how many guards are guarding the chambers?"

"About two dozen sir, maybe more by now since the king got the note", he replies.

"Excellent, we can wipe them out in no time, water is after all stronger than fire", he smirks as a water bubble floats above his palm he has out.

"Indeed it is sir", his hutch man nods.

"Tonight we'll attack, we must move before the king's guards track us down, we'll go to my mansion hidden behind the waterfall", he orders.

"And the princess as well?"

"Yes you idiot, I am not leaving her here she's to valuable to us", he snaps. 

He walks to the window an look up at the sky which is clear,"catch me if you can Austin", he smirks and leave the room with his hutch man behind him.

A few hours later they arrive at the huge mansion.

"Put the princess in one of the rooms and make sure the windows are secure also put a  guard right under where the windows are above in case she jumps", he orders

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"Put the princess in one of the rooms and make sure the windows are secure also put a  guard right under where the windows are above in case she jumps", he orders.

The hutch man carries Adrianna to the second floor.

"This is going to be a long day", he sighs as he sits behind his desk in his office and pour out a some coffee in a cup.

10:00 pm

They all are hiding in trees as they watch the king's guard at their post in front of the chamber, there are at least over twenty men and for sure there are back ups.

"The keys are lost and there isn't anyone else who has blood of both fire and water and comes royal blood not to mention first born, so why are we here?" One of the guard protests.

"You forgot the princess."

"Yeah but she isn't a decendant from the water nation's god, we don't even know her mother."

"I heard the queen Aisha is her mother", the other one whispers.

Interesting, the man thoughts.

"On my signal attack", he says to his men and jumps down from the tree.

"What was that?" The guards light their torches and walk closer to where the sound came from.

"Attack", the man demands and immediately all his men ambush the guards.

"We're under attack, protect the chambers!" The general orders.

"This should be fun, cover me", he says to his hutch man/ personal bodyguard.


Aiden's POV:

"Dad any news yet?" I walk into the throne room where dad is sitting on his throne with mom besides him and a few men standing in front of them.

"we're busy Aiden", mom says.

"But as futu- as your son I have the right to know what is going on", I cross my arm.

"We'll talk later son", dad dismisses me.

I leave the room and get my bike then leave the castle and went to town. I went to the cafe I usually go to, to clear my mind and surprisingly I see Stella there sitting by herself with a milkshake.

"What would you like to have your highness?" The cashier asks with a smile, she's about a year older than me with ginger hair and dark hazel eyes.

"The usual with two slices of cake this time separate plates", I reply then approach Stella's booth,"mind if I sit here?"

She looks up at me and her eyes widen,"n- not at all, sit", she gestures to the other side which is empty.

"What you're doing here by yourself?" I ask.

"To clear my mind, I decided to stay home this weekend with all the stress that is going on and with Anna", she sighs.

"Same, so when were you going to tell me that it was dye in your hair?" I smirk and she chokes on her drink.

"W- what?" she gasps,"who told you that?"

"No one, should have hid your eye color with contacts next time though", I grin as my order arrives,"thanks", I smile at up the waitress who blushes and leaves.

"You finally caught me huh?" She sighs.

"Yes, but why did you hide from me?" I frown.

Because I know you would forget about me and that night, also you are popular and I am a nobody then you're a prince and I'm a commoner", she replies.

"Hey I never forget about that night, I couldn't even get you off my mind", I take her hand in mine.

"Really?" She looks at me and I nod,"yes really, you have captured my heart Stella and now I'm going to capture yours", I smile and she blushes.


Merry Christmas everyone, we're almost through 2020.

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