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"Bienvenue à ma maison," Justin said opening the door for me. 

"Merci, que fairons-nous?" I questioned. He looked at me completely not understanding what I was saying. I did not know why he bothered greeting me in French if he could not even continue the conversation. "Nothing," I said, he got out of the way and let me inside the house. He lived not too far away from my place in a two-story house. I relaxed when I entered the warmth of the house, it smelt of cupcakes. 

"Come on," he told me as he closed the door. I followed him as we passed the kitchen and walked towards the stairs. Eyes stared at me when we passed by the living room. "Hey guys, remember Bianca," he said. His father was sitting by a piano and a woman that looked like his mother was sitting on the sofa. "This is my mom and well you know my dad," he said. 

"Hi," I said awkwardly. 

"Ms. Jakcson," his father said. I was hoping he would leave the formality for school, but I guess not. "I still have not received your college and the semester is almost over," I almost forget that I had to apply to college. I nodded my head, I did not even begin to look at any schools. 

"She'll do it," Justin quickly said, "that's why she's here," he lied. He grabbed my hand and we rushed up the stairs, "he would never leave you alone, but you haven't applied to any schools?" He asked when we reached the top of the stairs. I shook my head no, he opened a door and we entered his room. "You should," he said taking a seat on his bed. 

"What if I don't want to go to college?" I asked him. 

"You still should, you might change your mind."

"That's what my mom said."

"She's a smart woman," he said, "but I can help you if you want," he said. 

"No thanks, the only school I might be interested in has its deadline next week," I told him. It was a school not too far from here and it had an amazing girl's soccer team. That's all I knew, I did not even know what I wanted to major in. 

"You have time," he replied. 

"I have to write an essay," I said. 

"Then write an essay," I had no idea what to write about and I was not looking forward to writing it at all. "Write about love, soccer, your family, just write," he said. Love, I did not see myself writing about that. I guess I could write about soccer and I would never write about my family. I barely knew anything about them; all I would be able to write about is how I am an illegitimate child. 

"What did you write yours about?" I asked him feeling a little curious, "love?" I teased a bit.

"As a matter of fact, yes I did," he said. I took a seat at his desk and finally put my stuff down. "I wrote about the rules society put on love," he said. 

"You mean you wrote about Emma?" I asked still teasing him. 

"Yes I did," he replied, "I just wrote about how society sees it wrong to date someone who is older than you especially if it's the woman that is older," he said. He got sad for a moment. 

"Did Emma proofread it?" 

"Yes she did, she has excellent grammar. You should make her read yours before sending it," he said in all seriousness. 

"What's she like outside of school?" I asked him. 

"She's really funny," he chuckled, " she still acts smart and like she knows everything though," he joked. "But she's loose outside of class, she'll literally break down into a song out of nowhere," he said. 

"She sounds really cool," I said. There was music playing at his house. The words were muffled, but the loud music was still audible. I wondered where it was coming from. "Are you guys sexually active?" I asked him. He looked at me his eyes dilated, "I want to know," I said with a smile. 

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