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"What does the fundamental theorem of calculus state?" CJ asked me as we walked to Calculus. Ms. Brun said she would let me retake my test since it brought down my grade so much. I thought for a while about what CJ had thought me during the weekend. 

"It states that one of the antiderivatives say F, of some function f, may be obtained as the integral of f with a variable bound of integration," I told him proudly. He smiled and gave me a high five. Ms. Brun was right he was kind of cool when he was not too busy being an asshole. 

"You are going to do great, just don't overthink it, you got this," he said.

"Thank you," I told him. He nodded his head, I sighed, I got this I told myself. Just then the bell rung and Ms. Brun opened the door for the students come in. 

"Aw, CJ, you made it to class on time, we might have to celebrate," she said as we walked in. We were the first students to come in, I took a seat at my usual spot and CJ did the same. The students started to come in one by one chatter filling in the classrooms. 

"Hey," Justin said as he entered. He paused and leaned near my desk, he gave me a smile to die for, "see you at practice?" He asked. I shook my head, yes and he made his way to the back to his seat. It's not like I had a choice, he was the assistant coach and coach usually left us with him for a while. During that time, he was the boss and he could not be happier. 

"He's not someone you should be around," CJ said. I turned around to make sure he was talking to me. He was looking at me and I was the only one near him so he had to be talking to me. 

"You mean Justin?" I asked him. He shook his head, I chuckled. What was he going to do? I was used to his type and I could handle him. He might have thought he was playing me, but I was playing him instead. "Why?" I asked him wanting to know the beef they have with each other. They seemed to hate each other's guts for whatever reason which was weird since most of the students at this school grew up together and went to the same schools. 

"He's um..." he turned and looked around fixing his glasses afraid someone would hear the dark secret he was about to put out.

"Good morning class," Ms. Brun said once the late bell rung. "Today will be a catch-up day since most of you decided not to do my homework," she said. "I will give you the first half of class to work on it," she then went to her desk and grabbed a piece of paper. She put it in front of me. "Good luck," she said. I looked down at the test in front of me. The questions surely weren't the same. I got this, I told myself again. "Please remain quiet," she said to the rest of the class taking a seat at her desk.


"I'll see you guys tomorrow, please review what we learned today!" Ms. Brun yelled as students rushed out of her classroom. "Bianca, I graded your test," she said. She had a straight face, I couldn't tell if I passed or not. Whether if I got a high score or not, I'm sure I got at least a C. I wasn't hoping more, just a passing grade. I walked to her and took the piece of paper from her hand. 

"So, how'd you do?" CJ asked behind me. I sighed and turned the piece of paper around. I yelled when I saw the score. I turned the paper and showed it to CJ, "a ninety-eight," he said a little surprise. 

"Yes," Ms. Brun replied. "I am so proud of you, Bianca, higher than you CJ," she said. CJ frowned and rolled his eyes at the middle-aged woman. "Don't feel bad, she did have the best tutor," she added. 

"Thank you so much," I told CJ. I engulfed him in a big hug. He was surprised by the small gesture most Americans are used to. He did not hug me back, I pulled away quickly when I realized he was uncomfortable with my action. "I'm sorry," I apologized, "but thank you so much," I said. He nodded his head, I excused myself and made my way to my next period. 

After three long periods, it was finally lunch time. I was happy, I was getting tired of these classes. I made my way to the cafeteria since the staff here did not want you roaming the hallways during lunch. Today was a good day, I found an empty table. I took a seat and took out my chips I had bought. I turned on my phone and started my routine. Eating unhealthy food while streaming the net. "Shouldn't be eating that before practice," Justin said taking a seat beside me. 

"What are you, the eating police?" I asked him. He chuckled passing his hand through his hair. I looked down at his tray, they gave a chicken patty today. He opened the bread and I watched as he added mayo to it. 

"Why don't you eat the school lunch?" He asked, "these chips are not going to do anything for you," he said pointing at my hot Cheetos. 

"Because it's nasty," I told him. He nodded his head agreeing with me. Just then his sister, Allison, and her little group came and took a seat across from me. 

"Hey Bianca," she greeted me slamming her tray on the table obviously not interested in the food. 

"Hi," I told her. She smiled and quickly frowned again. She put her headphones in and ignored everyone else. 

"Ignore her," Justin said, "she's moody because her jerk of a boyfriend did something stupid again," he said. "Anyways," he looked at me, "since you do not eat the school lunch, what if I take you out to lunch?" He asked. 

"I can get my own lunch, but we're not allowed off campus," I told him. 

"I can," he said, "perks of being the principle's son," he said. "The security guard's think I'll get them fired if I don't do what they want," he said. "So starting tomorrow, we are going out for lunch," he said. I nodded my head. "So, did you enjoy our date or was it not your not your style?" He asked me. I looked over at him and chuckle. The date was fine except that moment with CJ, that was hella awkward. 

"It was fine," I replied, "still not my type though," I told him. Now I was just playing with him. 

"Mhmm," he said. "Bianca, what is your type of exactly?" He asked, he moved his hand on my waist rubbing the small skin that was showing. I was wearing a crop top, he rubbed it gently acting as if he was not doing just that. He came closer to me, his neck coming near my neck, "I'd really like to know," he whispered in my ear. I looked up and saw CJ, he was just grabbing his lunch. He took a seat at the end of one of the tables opposite from him. 

He turned and looked at me staring longer than necessary. He also looked at Justin's back frowning. Two guys came up to him taking a seat next to him. They started to talk to him making him break the eye contact.

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