Chapter 1 - Overqualified But Hired.

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Ishita Hassan

He's was the last person I thought to meet today didn't and all I felt at that guy was pure hatred.

He is steadying himself, guess his surprised to see me as well and I rapidly changed my sight onto the second man who's on the chair, studying me tip to toe intentionally.

Ignoring their basis stares, I walked closer to the desk with assertively while ignoring the their stares. I stood right behind the chairs that located opposite to the one who is studying me and I cleared my throat with a smile on my face to make him realise that he shall start the interview.

He gestured me to sit and asked the unwanted perv next to him to leave and he got some nerves to smirk at me while passing us to leave.

I felt disgusted and anger shoots in me but I decided to pull myself together and stay strong as the self I'm. I drew away from my own thought when the man on the chair cleared his throat at me.

"I'm sorry, sir. By the way, I'm here for the new take in job interview. " I told him while extending my files of my records and certificates from the university.

He just nodded and snatched the files away. Rude, that was what came in my mind first.

He started to look on my files and I was hoping him to decline my job request. Confused right, but let me tell you that I'm just going to be working here for a year only if he accepts my proposal.

I just completed my Master's Degree in Architecture and for the sake of needing experience before applying for the related jobs, I should really work somewhere for at least a year. As far as I know, most companies wouldn't accept employees that had mentioned about being here for temporary and that concerned me here too.

He was still keenly reading my files and I took this opportunity to study his office room. My breath hitched when my glance suddenly fell on his name board that located on the edge of the desk.

He was the goddamn CEO and the CEO is interviewing me right now. I gasp a little and he make a direct eye contact to me while asking, "You okay, Miss Ishita? "

His brows were raised and I had to take another deep breath to compose myself before saying, "I'm fine, sir. It's just first time job interviewed. " I managed with a sly smile and he nodded as he goes back to read my files again.

Few moments later, he looked calmly at me and that make me comfortable. "So, your intending to be working here for a year only? " he asked with question mark face.

"I'm a fresh graduate with Master's Degree in Architecture as you can see in my files, sir. On part of applying any related jobs to my studies, I needed a year of working experience in any firm for the record so yes...that's the reason why. " I explained with a smile and he only hummed.

"Urmm...sir? Am I appointed or? " Oh my, can't you be patience a little, Ishita?

"Miss Ishita, honestly you are over qualified for this position who I'm finding for but seems you really want to work here...I will hire you. " he said in the calmest way and I was a bit shook at the fact that I'm already hired.

"Take this files and meet my secretary on the 10th floor. " He extended back my files and I collected them while thanking him after.

"Thank you, sir." he give a nod and I left the room.

I went down to the 10th floor as he said and as I saw the board tagged 'secretary', I knocked twice on the door. I walked into the room when I heard the other side letting me in and I was happy to know that Mrs Lau was the secretary because she is really sweet yet polite to me in the elevator just now.

She give me a hug and welcome me to sit on the sofa next to her desk. I told her about the interview and she happily said that I'm appointed as the vice secretary of the company. I couldn't help but to be shock because I don't have any experience before and he still appoints me as the Vice Secretary of the company?

She assured me that I will be taught in every level as would guide me alongside. That soothe my overwhelming mind and we discussed further about the details of the positions.

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