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Hey Guys ...

Hello there... I am glad you are enjoying my story and supporting it..

Getting review from all of you make me HAPPY..


The Next Update is Here ...

This Chapter I am Dedicating to @rudraya
... you guess it right friend..  :) 

So what is going to be Adhira's step now..

Adhira's POV

I was struggling for breath when I sense shadow moving beside me, I was holding someone's hands. I looked up to see face, it was him ... he was tring to slide his hand from my grip, " N... no... Rugved" I begged him. "Sorry Adhira, I can't not give you love that belongs to her. You are a very good person. That guy will be very lucky who will get married to you... but... but I am not that guy. I am sorry Adhira." He jerked my hand to get off out my hold.

I took step further and held his fingers again, " Rugved... Please don't say like that Please... Rugved....."

"Adhira .. I love her... Sorry" he again jerked my hand and left from there.

"Rugveeeeeeeeeeeeed..." I cried from the bottom of my heart... All walls are broken of my heart... My heart was crying aloud taking his name.

I tried to run after him calling his name with every bit out my body, "Rugveeeeeeeeeeeeed." I lost control stumbled over my foot and fell on the floor..

It was not just our relationship fall apart... It was my last hope on love also...

I felt myself running out of breath and suddenly everything around stared to get black....

I lost my speed of breath and fall into deep slumber...


I was moving restlessly, my hand moved towards Throttle ...

A deep breath let out, I opened my eyes in sudden hand ran through my hairs, I could sense my whole being is sweaty..I looked here and there and found myself in my fast breathing go slow with time as I get conscious. I closed my eyes again, raised my head towards ceiling to clam my nerves. After a moment collecting myself, I took hold of my phone.. It was 3 am, when I last closed my eyes it was 2.45 am ... I couldn't wink whole night...

"Adhira, life doesn't stop with small accidents you have to wake up in morning and have to go for work. Remember you have responsibility to fulfill." I tried to make myself clam and again fell back to bed. Rustling here and there after some time I decide to ditch the bed and got up. I brushed my teeth and made myself a cup of hot tea...

Many assumptions are running in my mind, I have made thousands of films describing different, different scenario ... But my heart was still in confusion about whole situation...What to do now, is a big question standing in front of me... I do want to give Rugved chance to back out of this relationship, if he feels burden of it. But in all this process I don't want him to think as I am distrusting him. What if all this is just a trap? If I tell whole story to Rugved will he believe or he will take side of Siya?

I again grab my phone to see the time, it's 4.45 am, and Rugved will call me at 5 am for exercise. Its my habit to take phone in hand first in morning and check if there is any important message related to work or other or it is from Rugved at late night. But right now I don't dare to start internet and see messages, I am not in position to face him even though it's on call. It's better to keep it switched off for now.

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