Chapter Fourteen: Another close encounter...

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Chapter fourteen.

'Are we going to celebrate like this every time we win?' Brady asked already stumbling over his words.

He, Blair and Hailey were standing in the kitchen finishing their round of shots.

'I don't know how you can do that,' Cade commented from the corner, with his trademark Red Bull can in his hand. 'Especially you girls, you're always so sick the next morning.'

'What so you're telling me you've never gotten drunk before?' Blair demanded, feeling much more confident around Cade now she had gotten her head around their little situation. As soon as she realized what it was they were doing she was able to try and stay more in control. Plus she just won them a volley ball game – she was over confident in every way.

'I didn't say that,' Cade answered smartly raising an eyebrow in her direction.

'So what's the story then?' Hailey piped up after she'd downed another shot.

Cade shrugged nonchalantly, 'No story.'

Blair studied his face closely, well as closely as one can do when they're feeling this tipsy. She thought she saw his facial muscles twitching slightly at the interrogation.

'What I'd like to know is where Blair here got the mad skills,' Cade smirked over at her changing the subject swiftly.

Blair couldn't help the laugh, 'what can I say, I'm good at sports with aiming, you can't argue with my ball skills.'

'Yeah her ball skills are ace,' Brady giggled. 'You should know Cade.'

An awkward silence fell over the small kitchen, well as silent as it can get with music blasting from the living room.

Hailey laughed, 'What's that supposed to mean?'

Blair was giving Brady some intense evil eyes while Cade joined Hailey in laughter, 'You're too funny Brady.'

Hailey seemed a little confused but thankfully dropped it.

'So anyway, I don't know about you guys but I'm dancing my ass off tonight,' Hailey smiled and made a bee line for the living room with Brady close behind her giving Blair a scared look as he left. He didn't particularly want to be murdered by her.

Blair looked up at Cade awkwardly, 'Er, so Brady saw us kissing earlier and knows.'

Cade smiled at her and didn't say anything.

Blair shuffled awkwardly on her feet and stared back at him, 'What?'

Cade bit his lip still smiling at her, 'You drive me crazy you know that?'

'I've heard that before,' Blair replied trying to sound confident, but his tall stance and steady gaze was unnerving her. In fact the kitchen was seeming way too small for the both of them.

She was even kind of annoyed at herself for feeling like this. She thought she was over the whole shaky legs/wanting to jump on Cade feelings.

'' She began and trailed off realizing she had nothing to say.

He chuckled and prompted her, 'Yeah?'

'I've got nothing,' she admitted wanting to smile but still very frozen in her spot.

Their trance like state was broken when a group of people stumbled into the kitchen releasing Blair from her spot and she stumbled backwards knocking her hip into the corner of the counter. She cried out in pain, both hands moving to hold her side where she'd hit it, applying some pressure to take away the stinging sensation. She was so preoccupied trying to hold in some tears that were threatening to escape she hadn't noticed Cade walking over to her and standing right in front of her. His hands went to her shoulders, soothingly rubbing them.

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