Chapter Two - What a dickhead!

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Chapter Two – What a dickhead.

The whole sex thing didn't just happen one day out of the blue. It took weeks to get to where they were today. She often wondered how they'd gotten from a timid, friendly meeting to a fast-paced intense affair. She wasn't even that type of girl! The one who pranced around in front of boys with little to none clothing and caked on makeup. Sure, she liked to wear pretty dresses and hang out with her friends, but she'd only ever kissed a boy before she met Cade.

That first weekend Cade arrived at Hailey's house, it was no secret Blair thought he was fantastic looking. Well to everyone besides Blair. She had thought she did a great job hiding it.

The girls decided to take Cade out around the town, show him where the essential shopping was, cinemas, parks and anything else an eighteen year-old boy might need to know in a new town.

'So what's your story?' He asked her while Hailey went into her mothers favourite candle store to quickly get a small present. Blair refused to enter it ever again when she nearly vomited all over their precious candles from the stench one morning after a heavy night. That and the sales assistant would rather she didn't go in ever again.

'My story?' Blair was leaning against the wall eyeing Cade/having a perve.

'Why are you always at my families house? Don't you have your own home?'

Blair flinched at his tone of voice, it sounded almost mean.

'That's none of your business,' she replied slowly rolling her eyes at him. Hurry up Hailey!

The two of them stood outside in perfect silence, eventually Hailey joined them babbling on about this perfect new vanilla scent they just ordered in. Blair knew Jane would love it.

'So Cade, I really don't know much about you at all, why did you and your mother live in Switzerland?' Hailey asked him when they all sat down to have a coffee.

Cade took a sip of his drink and paused, 'My father is Swiss and we were living there together.'

'Oh? I didn't know Aunt Sara was married!' Hailey gushed excitedly, 'I've never met him before either!'

'She's not.' Cade shot them a look of contempt. He didn't exactly want to be here, and the girls knew it. In fact he was being down right hostile. 'Marriage is ridiculous, you know 50% of marriages end in divorce?'

Hailey turned to Blair and raised an eyebrow, they were thinking the exact same thing. This guy was a bit of a douche.

Blair was even amused at the idea someone so gorgeous and flawless looking could look almost ugly when they had a bad personality.

'So we're taking it you're not exactly happy to be here are you Cade?' Hailey said diplomatically, sipping her coffee.

'Bingo,' he rolled his eyes and threw back his expresso. 'Look girls, it's been fun but I'm going to have a wander around on my own for a while. I'll meet you back at the house.' With that he stood up and walked away before the girls could even ask him if he knew where the house actually was.

'Mum will kill me if I lose my cousin his first week here,' Hailey groaned.

'He's being such a dickhead,' Blair laughed, amused by the situation. 'You'd think he would try and be nice when we're the only people he knows in the entire country!'

'Mum did say he was pretty upset to leave his parents, maybe he'll act out for a while and calm down a bit once school goes back,' Hailey reasoned.

The girls watched him stalk through the mall and disappear into a music shop on the other side kind of hoping Hailey was right. It would be awful spending their last year of school sharing the house with a moody teenager.

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