Chapter Twenty-Five: Say Yes, Naomi

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"I'm hopeless."

"Don't be like that."

"I'm a disgrace."

"C'mon, you're not."

"I'm an idiot."

"Yes, you are."

Parker lifted his head off the table and looked at me in confusion. "What?"

"Yes, you're an idiot," I repeated.

His eyebrows knitted together. "But I thought-"

I snorted. "Hey. You're the one who said you're an idiot. I'm just agreeing with you."

He sniffled. "You don't have to be so blunt about it," Parker muttered.

"You've been calling yourself names and all I've been doing is denying it," I told him. "I finally had enough and just agreed with you."

"Sorry," he said. "But the question is so hard."

"Parker," I said slowly. "This is only the first question."

There was a long silence. Then he began to hit his head repeatedly on the table. The books and pencils shook as he did this.







I was finally getting tired to this. I sat up from the chair and smack him from behind the head. Parker stopped hitting himself mid-way and slowly turned his head to me. He stared at me with a look of disbelief. And I don't blame him. I can't believe I just smacked Parker O'Neil at the back of his head. But what's done is done, and he finally got my attention. Might as well put it to good use and give him the talk. 

"Get a hold of yourself! You think you're stupid, right?" I asked with him nodding in reply. "Then you better get to studying and let me tutor you so you won't stay stupid. Last time I checked, the coach won't allow guys to be in the team if they having failing grades. You wouldn't want to get kicked off the team, will you?"

He shook his head.

"Then let's get to studying." 

Parker nodded, his confidence returning. He sat up correctly in his chair, his pencil ready in his hand. I nodded in approval and turned both of our textbooks at the beginning of the first chapter. After handing out a blank piece of paper in front of him, I tapped at the title of the chapter.

"We're going to review what we learned for the first few weeks, starting from the beginning. Just so I can get a good idea of where you're at," I explained to him. "Today, we'll be learning about functions. How good are you at solving these?"

He pouted. "My brain doesn't function with functions."


Parker smiled at me. "Okay, honestly, I remember a little of it. But let's just say I never heard of it before."

I let out a sigh. "Fine, we'll take it from the top..."

A few minutes turned in an hour that turned to another. Time seemed to past by in the library of after school. I've told the guys that I would stay after school to tutor Parker for calculus. Obviously, they offered to stay and wait for me. But I told them I would be fine and they could go ahead. I could walk home from school, they didn't have to wait for me. Reluctantly, they gave in and left, but not before whispering something in Parker's ear which I suspect as a threat.

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now