Chapter Eleven: Not Unless We Kidnap You

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I slowly opened my eyes with a sight to see.

Jordan was snoring right on my face. I did a double take, I could still smell the pizza from last night. I focused my eyes from the bright light and looked around. I was lying right on top of Jordan who had his arm around my waist. I shifted under his loose grip, but his arm suddenly tightened like I was some teddy bear. I placed my hands on his chest and tried to pry away from him. But there was a huge weight right on top of me.

I craned my head behind me and saw Declan right on top of me. His leg was propped on my head, an arm was rested on top of the couch's arm rest. And his head was on top of my... my eyes widened in realization, that is not my back. I tried to shake his head off my trunk, but it was as if he was glued to it. Finally his head rolled off and landed near Jordan's... no man's land. I made a face, well at least it's not mine. But then I realized something. If I was on top of Jordan and Declan was on top of me... Where's Bennett?

There was a loud snort below me. I looked down and saw to my horror that everyone was piled on top of Bennett. His legs were propped on top of the couch's back. Everyone was right on top of his stomach, but he was lying horizontal instead of like us who were lying vertical. His head was on the ground, having his hair fanned out onto the rug. His arm was over his face, covering his eyes as he snored. With his hair in that position, you could see the glint of his earrings in the light.

I let out a sigh. How am I going to get out of this mess? I tried to shimmy out of the body sandwich I was in. I didn't want to wake them up. I had enough sleep for the whole week, and thought they should get the sleep. I wanted to get out of this position as carefully as I could possibly-

Jordan suddenly rolled to his side, taking me with him. Meaning also taking Declan with him. I yelped as I fell of the couch crashing onto Bennett. His eyes shot wide open on impact, and groaned under my weight.

Then Declan's.

Then Jordan's.

Declan rolled of the couch with a yelp of a curse. His arms were flying frantically in the air, trying to keep his balance or grab something. But he landed face first onto the ground. I was trying to get off of Bennett as this happened, but he knocked me off my landing on top of me. I groaned, Bennett groaned, and Declan groaned. I tried to get up again along with Declan and Bennett when we all thought the same thing at the same time. We looked up and saw Jordan who was still fast asleep. He was lying face up of the couch. His body was hanging off the couch. If he moved just an inch, he'll fall right on top of us.

I gulped. Just don't wake up Jordan. Whatever you do, don't wake up. Obviously, he didn't listen to me. He woke up through a half snore. He tried to sit up, looking around where we were. But he didn't realize he was hanging off the couch. He wanted to sit up with his elbow propping him up. But his arm didn't touch anything and slipped into the air. He rolled off the couch and landed right on top of Declan, then me, then Bennett. All four of us grunted under his weight, then groaned in pain.

Jordan yawned. "Well, isn't this cozy."

"Ugh, how much do you weigh?" Declan demanded to Jordan.

"You should be asking yourself the same thing!" I retorted at Declan.

Bennett grunted. "I'm the one taking all of the damage," he choked out.

Everyone burst out laughing. Well, I don't know about Bennett, he sounded like he was having a cross between seizure or choking something.

"But no seriously," Declan said, pausing from laughing. "How much do you weigh? You could set a new record."

"Just get off," I begged. "I can't breathe. And I don't think Bennett can either."

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt