CHAPTER 24 * Uncontrollable smiles *

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A/N: I would just like to take this opportunity to thank my very first commenter @chelpy11203 for.....well for commenting lol. You're an awesome human being.

Next, i'd like to thank my original supporter and voter from before i took the book down, @daSugarRose. I'm so grateful that you came back to read this even after removing it and not giving an explanation as to why.

Finally, to all my readers, thank you for giving my book the time of day. your support (even though that may not have been your reason for reading) is really encouraging and makes me appreciate my work as well.

Your super thankful author,



"Of course, she still loves you. And even if she doesn't, someone else will."

There it was, the reassurance I didn't know I had been longing for. Something in me unknotted. Tears ran down her face. Tears of her sorrow, as well as mine.

I was the one who asked her what was wrong, and yet here she was comforting me. I didn't know what to do. So, I continued looking at her. She smiled and then stood up. She left me sitting there, the feeling of her hand still on mine. Once the door closed, the dam burst. I had never cried since that day. Nothing had ever made me cry.

Why did a few words from a girl I barely knew make me do something I hadn't done in years?

I tried to bite my fist to muffle the sounds I was making, but I don't know if she heard. She must have already been in the bathroom by now. I stopped trying to quieten myself and just let it all out.

I don't know how long I cried. But once I was done, I just lay there, letting the vague memories of Nala wash over me. I still couldn't remember what she looked like. Only the sound of her laughter didn't escape me now. My eyes felt swollen. I decided it was time to leave. I walked to the apartment wondering how Victoria would act around me now. Would she act like she was treading on egg shells? Or would she act like nothing happened?

I walked in and found her already asleep. And that was a good thing because I wasn't ready to face her yet.

Tomorrow would tell me whether I made the right decision by telling her.


As every other morning, I woke up before she did. I got up out of bed and took a shower. Once clothed in my training attire, I headed toward the kitchen, intending to have breakfast alone. I thought better of it and decided to wake her up.

I put my hand on her shoulder and shook her gently, "Victoria, it's time to wake up." Surprisingly, she woke up immediately. She opened her eyes lazily and blinked a couple of times.

"How do you do that?" she asked with a sleepy voice.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Wake up so early every single day." She yawned.

I smiled a little, "It's called an alarm clock."

"How come I never hear it?" she asked further.

"Because you sleep like...what do you Earthians say...a log." I said after remembering the phrase.

"That's not true, I'm a very light sleeper. Wait, do you still sleep in this bed?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where else am I supposed to be sleeping?"

"Uh, I just never hear you coming to bed, to the bed," she cleared her throat looking a little embarrassed.

"As I said earlier, you sleep like a log. I always come in and find you already sleeping, then wake up before you. Did you really thinking you were sleeping alone?"

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