CHAPTER 5 * Seeing stars *

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My body felt heavy.

No, it was my head.

I couldn't make a coherent thought.

I tried to move but found it too hard. Why was my body feeling this way? It felt like I was learning to move in my own skin for the first time. Nothing was responding the way it should.

As the fog in my head cleared, I became more aware of my surroundings. My eyes were still closed. I didn't want to open them yet. I knew that opening them would change everything.

I started with a finger, then another, until I could move them all. Then I concentrated on my toes. I wiggled them all and was satisfied. At least I wasn't paralysed.

I lay on my back, something soft cushioning me. I felt around with my hands. It felt like silk, but that couldn't be right, because it had the texture of fur. It was that soft, and warm. I could feel the warmth on the skin of the back of my shins and arms all the way to my shoulders. I didn't want to leave this bed.

My head was elevated slightly by more of this material. I was so comfortable.

Then it hit me.

How am I able to feel the warmth with my skin? I remember very well that I was in a pair of sweats yesterday.

Realisation dawned on me.

The memories came flooding back in one giant tidal wave. I went to buy take out. My car stopped yards away from my house. I left my car to go to the house. My body froze. A woman, with a weirdly shaped floating bench thingy approached me. She had a gun, she shot me in the back of my neck.

My breathing escalated.

Oh no! I can't believe it. I can't believe that I'm dead. But if I am dead, does that mean I am in heaven? Or is this hell?

No, hell wouldn't feel this comfortable.

Shouldn't I be with God and the angels if I am in heaven?

Just where in God's name am I?

I knew that the only way to know was to open my eyes. But I was too scared. My heartbeat drowned out all other noise that might have been in the background.

If they wanted you dead, you would have been dead already. They wouldn't keep you in such a comfortable place.

I tried to calm myself down.

But what if this is just some sick game to them. They try and make me believe I'm safe, and the Bahm! They do all sorts of evil things to me.

This just took my panic attack into overdrive. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air when I felt a pair of hands hold me down by my shoulders. I thrashed and thrashed, trying to get away from whoever was touching me, but then felt something pressed to the side of my neck. As soon as it was removed from me, I felt much calmer. I could breathe easily now.

Then I heard a voice. A deep, rich, smooth voice, "What is wrong with," the voice stopped for a second, "her?"

Then I heard another voice. This one was female. It sounded like it belonged to a wise, older woman. "She is frightened."

"Why would she be frightened of what she has not seen? Why has she not woken yet?" The male voice asked.

I heard a tsk sound. It must have come from the female. "She is awake. She just hasn't opened her eyes yet. I'm assuming the memories of how she came to be here are what triggered that frenzy."

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