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The next thing Isabella remembers is waking up in those familiar four walls but this time, not the ones of the hospital room she had spent so much time in recently but in her bedroom, granted she was hooked up to even more machines than she had been before but she was in hers and Hunter's bedroom, looking beside her not even making any effort to move just yet she see's Hunter tapping away at this laptop furiously, he had a big arm chair next to their bed which she knew he would've been sat at the whole time.

Isabella reaches out her hand and places it on Hunter's left knee making him jump slightly but his eyes widen and his smile is full of warmth as he spots Isabella's open eyes, something he felt like he'd never see again even though the doctors continually told him, her body just needed time to physically and mentally recover. One good thing about werewolves is they often managed to stay unconscious until the mental injuries had healed, this wasn't always the case and it didn't heal them all completely - Isabella would never wake up again if this was true but she would certainly feel better about it than if she had woken up any earlier.

"Hey" she whispers shyly as Hunter places his hand on top of hers

"Oh Bella.." he whispers his eyes filling with tears and a lump in his throat forming "I missed you"

"I'll always wait for you, that's what I said remember before you went off to find Finn.. now it was your turn to wait for me" Isabella smiles which is quickly replaced with a  grimace as she tries to get into a sitting position, her ribs were no longer broken but still hurt

"Well you didn't exactly wait for me did you... but I'll always wait for you" Hunter says trying to look angry but the smirk on his face says otherwise

"He had Jackson and... I just..." Isabella tries to explain but the comforting hand squeezing hers stops her instantly

"I know what happened, Jackson told me" Hunter explains, he removes his shirt then jumps carefully into bed behind Isabella, he pulls her gently into his arms and kisses the top of her head

"Jackson! How is Jackson? And Leila.... please tell me she is okay!" Isabella yells grimacing again when a stab of pain goes through her ribs - Jackson has been unconscious when Hunter finally arrived and although she felt guilty about it, Isabella had forgotten he was even there

"Shh... calm down" Hunter chuckles slightly "Jackson is fine, a couple days in the hospital and now he's back on his feet. Leila.. she's still in the hospital but she's awake" Hunter explains, Isabella knows there is more to it but doesn't press further

"How did you find us?" Isabella asks

"I was with the team who found Leila, by that point Finn was long gone - Jackson had gone off with another team so we presumed he was on Finn's tail. Instead of following I brought Leila back to the hospital so she could get help but so I could tell you that she was okay and..." he explains

"I wasn't there" Isabella says filling in the gaps

"Exactly, when I got back I also got a message from the team Jackson had left with saying they couldn't find him and when I tried to communicate with him there was nothing just like a brick wall - I still felt him so I knew he was alive but nothing and then when I found you weren't here I linked the dots that Finn had probably took Jackson and you were trying to be a superhero" Hunter says with slight annoyance in his voice that Isabella had put herself in danger

"That still doesn't explain how you found me" Isabella says

"Your nurse.. left a note for me to track her car and that would lead me to you" he shrugged as Isabella burst into tears, Taylor had been the only reason Hunter had found her, the only reason Isabella had a chance to hurt Finn... the only reason she wanted to fight so hard

"She's dead and I was so angry with her.. I never got to say thank you or goodbye" Isabella sobs - of course Taylor dying didn't make what she did with the food okay but the good she had done easily out weighed the bad

"I'm sure she knew" Hunter says holding Isabella closer but careful not to hurt her

"The baby?!" Isabella asks clutching her stomach that was considerably bigger than before

"The babies... are fine - you took some force but mama wolf kicked in" Hunter grinned proudly at his mate

"Wait... go back.... babies?" Isabella says with wide eyes

"Twins, they found out when they did the scan to make sure everything was okay" Hunter says, Isabella couldn't help the smile that found it's way onto her face but her head was also spinning

"Wow.." she says suddenly breathless

"Another thing.. he could've just remembered it wrong but... um.... Jackson said the last thing he remembers is you being wrapped up in the chains he had but then you basically just pushed them aside... they didn't hurt" Hunter says awkwardly - this was completely unheard of in the werewolf world

"No he remembered right... It's news to me too - I have no idea how it happened, I don't know my parents remember" Isabella shrugged no realising the enormous news this was

"That something to discuss for another time" Hunter says waving it aside

(A/N or another book *Hint Hint*)

"Where have you been sleeping?" Isabella asks changing the subject, the sheets around her looked far too perfect for a fidgeting Hunter.

"Right here next to you, I've just been making the bed every morning because I didn't want anyone but Doctors touching you" he shrugs and its only then that Isabella notices the bags under his eyes

"You... made.... the... bed" she giggles actually impressed at how flawless it was

As if reading her mind, Hunter replies "Yeah... it didn't look this good at first"

"Well I'm okay now, you should be able to get a good nights sleep" she smiles rubbing his arm comfortingly, he didn't need to know that her head was still pounding at that her body ached - he would only worry

"Yeah... Jackson is going to be happy you're awake too" Hunter says, the tone in his voice sounds off so Isabella pushes

"Why? I mean nobody in the pack wants their Alpha to loose his mate but why specifically Jackson?" Isabella asks raising her eyebrows

"He's been a mess since that day... he feels really guilty that he was the reason you left the hospital and why you were hurt by Finn... and I may have agreed with him" Hunter says

"Oh Hunter... what did you say to him?" Isabella sighs, she didn't blame Jackson at all

"I told him that if you didn't wake up then he would be kicked out the pack... I told him it was his fault and that I couldn't bare to even look at him - he's been avoiding me since" Hunter shrugs trying to pretend like he didn't care but Isabella knew him better than anyone and she could see in his eyes that he didn't really blame Jackson but the person he wanted to blame was dead so Jackson was an easy target because he already felt guilt about it

"You're going to go and say sorry" Isabella demands, Hunter's eyes widen, his mate had only been awake two minutes and she was already telling him what to do but he secretly could listen to her yell at him all day as long as it meant she was okay

"But..." Hunter starts but is quickly cut off

"No buts.." Hunter starts to laugh "Stop laughing at the word buts... we're going to go and say sorry right now" Isabella says swinging her legs out of the bed, as soon as she stands up she regrets it as her head spins making her dizzy

"You okay Bella?" Hunter says pulling Isabella into his chest for a gentle cuddle

"Take me for a shower then we can go say sorry" she whispers kissing Hunter's shirt above his heart

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