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Pacing back and forth, Hunter doesn't take his eyes off of his pale mate who hadn't moved once in the 24 hours since he had found her with two gunshot wounds. Nobody could explain why Isabella wasn't healing. Until her run in with Leila and Finn she had no injuries from living with her old pack - they had all healed - and she was eating properly so she was as healthy as she could be apart from not mating with Hunter but they were still living together,  it wasn't as if Hunter had rejected her because that would've made them both weak.

Hunter growls at the thought of rejecting Isabella but he soon calms down with he stops at the top of the bed to run the back of his hand against her soft cheek that lacks the usual glow of colour. Slumping down on the chair beside her bed, Hunter rests his head in his hands as his eyes beg him to let them shut, he hadn't slept in what felt like forever because he didn't want to miss any progress that Isabella made but it just wasn't happening.

Isabella's wounds were still completely open but there was nothing stuck in them to prevent them from healing, in normal werewolves, they would have healed by now but it just wasn't happening. Every theory that had been presented to Hunter had quickly been debunked because there was a factor that didn't fit in with Isabella's case and with every theory, Hunter was getting more and more frustrated; he was taking things out on people who were completely innocent but he had to do his best to keep his mind off of Leila and Finn because otherwise he would've chased after them, hunted them down and killed them but it was Isabella that needed him right now.

Just as Hunter was falling into a light sleep he was abruptly woken up as the sliding glass door to Isabella's room was opened, he once again growled but the person in front of him didn't flinch.

"Oh be quiet and listen to what the doctor has to say, it might help Isabella" Jackson mutters rolling his eyes, the rudeness of how Jackson was treating actually felt good, sometimes Hunter wanted people to talk back - he wanted to be reminded that he was still a member of society other than just the King of werewolves and he was always sure to be able to rely on his best friend to do that. Luckily Jackson knew when he could and when he couldn't do this with Hunter, he was one of the only people who could read Hunter and his moods so well.

Stood behind Jackson was the doctor who had a nervous look on his face, the last time he had spoken to Hunter, he was pushed forcefully out of the room and screamed at not to come back until he knew what was wrong with Isabella and how to fix it.

"Doctor, you think you know what is wrong with your Luna," Hunter asks raising his eyebrows when he says 'Luna' to remind the Doctor how serious this case was.

"I have a good idea, you see you are both stronger when mated. I am under the impression that you have not marked or mated yet?" The doctor asks coughing to hide the awkwardness in his voice 

"Yes," Hunter replies, nodding curtly.

"Well, simply meeting your mate has tided you both over for the time you have known each other but since you haven't followed on with the next stages of the mating process you are both weak but you don't feel it - we only find this out when one of you is injured like our Luna. By not marking her or mating with her it is almost going through the rejection process so you're going backwards and not forwards so she is too weak to heal" The doctor explains apprehensively biting his lip waiting to see what the reaction is going to be from Hunter.

"Okay, so how do we help her then?" Hunter asks continually looking from Isabella to the Doctor, he just wanted... he just needed her better whatever the costs 

"There have been very little cases of this happening as you know the mating process is usually over very quickly and if it isn't normal werewolves aren't likely to be injured while not mated after meeting them so the quickest way to help our Luna is to.... um... mark her" The doctor says looking even more nervous but confident with his explanation and solution to the problem

"But... Isabella wouldn't want me too, she'd feel so betrayed" Hunter mutter thinking of the pros and cons in his head of doing this

"If we left her without this she could take weeks or months to heal and regain consciousness or... she might not wake up at all due to her being so weak," the Doctor says but Hunter has already made his mind.

"Let's do it, I want us to be on our own though" Hunter explains shooing the other two men out of the room with his hands 

"Call us back in when you're ready bro" Jackson grins clearly very confident with this solution 


Putting his hand on the back of Isabella's neck, Hunter lifted her small body up just enough to slide under her, he lay her back down between his legs so her head was just below his shoulder giving him enough room to get to her neck.

"I don't know if you can hear me in there Bella but if you can I know you're freaking out right about now. If you can hear me now you probably heard what the Doctor said so you know what's about to happen. If I could have done this any other way I would've done - I wanted to be comfortable, I wanted it to be romantic so you felt a fraction of the love I feel for you - At the most I wanted you to be awake so I could see your big, beautiful eyes" Hunter starts, he looks down at his mates body in his arms, he lets out an awkward chuckle expecting her face to break out into a grin like this was some big joke but it didn't, Isabella stayed perfectly still

"If I could ensure that you would be okay and you would be awake soon, I might have let it happen naturally but I need you, Isabella. I need to know you're safe and if breaking your trust is the way to do it then I just hope you'll be able to forgive me - You're going to be so angry, I know no matter what's happened in your past that you don't want to die but you're going to be blind sighted with anger because I did this but I want you to know that I did it out of love because I love you, Isabella Montgomery, I'm going to do it now..." Hunter says but as he leans closer to Isabella's neck he pauses and pulls back, he couldn't do it.

"I'm scared Isabella" Hunter sighs, he was shocked at himself for even admitting that "I don't want you to hate me. My worst fear is me having to continue in this life without you and that's why I have to do this so that you don't leave me. Of course I've never been marked so I don't know from experience what it's like but I did ask my mum when I was younger, she said it hurt at first but then it was like every nerve was on fire, she felt so much better - she felt everything especially the love she felt for my dad so I hope this works for us, maybe you being.... like this will mean you don't feel the pain which would be good because I never want to hurt you. I also asked her what it felt like to have a mate and she could barely put it into words but when she did it was with long and complicated words, words I didn't even think were possible for one person to feel for another but I get it now... I get it with you Bella so please understand why I did this and just remember that I love you"

And with that, Hunter sinks his teeth into Isabella's neck. At once her body convulses as if realising what has happened because she had no pre warning as she was unconscious but then when he pulls away her fragile body was still limp in his arms, Hunter felt more alive than ever and it was true, the tingles he had once felt when in contact with Isabella's skin was nothing compared to the boreline pain/pleasure feelings he was getting now. It was the most intense thing he'd ever felt.

Hunter managed to keep himself in control as he pulled Isabella further onto his lap to rock them from side to side slowly while he hummed an unknown song into her slightly frizzy hair before falling into a light sleep for the first time since he had found her.

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