Chapter 52

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We stayed quiet for a while not even making any movements.

"What could you have possibly done? What did you send an assassin on someone? Tell a three-year-old Santa isn't real? Did you make someone step on legos?" I asked jokingly. Couldn't be that bad, could it?

"Nothing like that Bella. Much worse."

"Worse than legos?" I asked unbelievingly. Nothing is worse than LEGO's.

"Bella it isn't funny. I did do something bad."

"What is it then?" I sat down next to him on the couch and turned off the TV.

"I got a girl pregnant." He answered and even my mouth might have fallen open.

"Are you serious?"

"No of course not. There is only one girl I want to have my kids with. The real issue is I told my brother I'd get him a date for prom. And then he brought you up and said how you were his celebrity crush. So I told him I'd get you to go with him. So go to prom with my brother?" He asked. I let go of his hands. I was expecting something a little more oh I don't know bad. Like maybe he did get someone pregnant.

"Ok first of all you know I am 22 right?" I raised an eyebrow.

"So? He is 18."

"Second why the dramatics. Made it seemed like you killed someone."

"I just thought it would be funny. Answer me, Amore."

"He can't get any girls his age. Must be ugly."

"His name is Mathew and he is a bigger flirt than me."

"Like I believe that." Hunter just laughed. "Come on we have to get there before dinner." He rushed me out of the apartment and sped the entire way to his home.

Once we got there Hunter was the one who knocked on the door. An older woman opened the door who I assume is their mother.

"Hunter." She smiled and hugged him. Hunter hugged back. She looked over at me. "And you are?"

"Bella. Hunter's friend." I put my hand out for her to shake and smiled. She shook my hand and then returned her attention to Hunter.

"Come in, I wasn't expecting you, Hunter. Or your friend. Call me Ann by the way." We walked inside and she closed the door behind us. Her house was beautiful. It was decorated perfectly and nothing was out of place.

"Who was at the door mom?" A voice asked from the stairway. Probably Mathew. All three of us looked towards where the voice came.

"Hunter and his friend, Mathew." She answered. Mathew came into view and immediately made eye contact with me.

"That isn't who I think it is. Is it?" He asked and pointed to me.

"Hi, I'm Be-" He ran away before I could finish. "Is that normal?" I asked and tried to look around the corner.

"For him to see his celebrity crush in front of him? Yes." Ann answered amused. "I'll be in the kitchen. I am making dinner tonight. Call me if you need anything. Don't do anything stupid Hunter." She said before she walked away and to the kitchen.

"Come on Bella we have to go find him." Hunter started walking and motioned for me to follow. We walked to what I think is the living room. Then to a library.

"He is probably outside calling his friend."

When we got outside, Mathew was pacing back and forth and on the phone. As we got closer, we could hear his conversation.

"I'm telling you she is here. Come over here... No man she really is here. In the flesh. Who knows what dreams I'll have about her." Hunter cleared his throat getting Mathew's attention. Mathew turned around and his eyes widened. He hung up on his friend. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Oh, only the part about where you dream about her," Hunter replied. Mathew's cheeks turned a slight pink.

"Sorry, Bella." He apologized.

"It's fine Mathew." No big deal right. Cause having 18-year-old boys dream about you is totally normal.

"You know my name?"

"Hunter told me. And I kind of have to know my date's name for the prom."

"Are you serious? You," He pointed to Hunter. "Got her," He pointed to me. "to go to the prom with me?" He pointed to himself. Hunter nodded. "Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite brother? So you think you can also get me a new car. I have a huge crush on this new-"

"I'm not getting you anything else. Your lucky I even agreed on getting her. She's too good for you anyway." I hit Hunter's arm lightly.

"Hunter that's mean."

"No, it's the truth." Mathew shook his head but didn't say anything until Hunter motioned to him and me.

"So Bella Amore will you go to prom with me?"


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