Chapter 19

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"So basically he is being Mr. Grumpy cat?" Lenny asked.

"Yup." I was on my weekly pizza date with Lenny discussing the new drama. Or whatever he calls it. "He also had a fling."

"As in a lover fling thing. Was it a guy or a girl?"

"A girl Lenny. He is straight."

"How do you know that hmmm? He could turn out like Loren."

"Very unlikely, but you can believe what you want."

"Whatever, anyway what happened?"

"Well when I got to work I was about to go to my desk, but a girl came running out of his office crying. She looked like she just went through a heartbreak. I asked him about it after my lunch break and he said she was a fling. Well, he says she wasn't a fling, but I know she was."

"Oooh, juicy. Anything else?"


"Your work has no drama at all. Isn't it boring there?"

"No Hunter keeps me busy all the time. Bella do this, Bella do that." I mocked his voice.

"So what about Mr. Carter? How are things going with him?"

"Fine, I guess we only really saw each other like 3 times."

"Well go get yo man girl. He ain't gonna wait or chase after you forever."

"But what if I don't want him?"

"Then marry a different rich man. I have a few suggestions- ."

"Ok Lenny pizza date is over I have to get ready for bed. I have work tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah push me away Bella. I know who you want!" He kind of shouted as I closed the door on his face. He was going to say, Hunter. Do I want Hunter? No, I don't.


"Hello, Marie how are you doing?" I asked as I passed her desk.

"Great. How about you Miss Amore?"

"It would be amazing if you would just call me Bella." I laughed.

"Ok, Bella have a good day." She smiled at me right before her phone began to ring.

"You too" I took a step into the elevator and saw a man running to the elevator. I put my hand in front of the doors to stop them from closing.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"You're Mr. King's assistant right."

"yup the one and only."

"Do you know why he is firing people?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Not really he just said they went against him or something like that."

"Oh. Ok well, thanks. I'm Peter by the way. I'm one of his friends." I laughed and then recognized him as that one guy Hunter was talking to with his earpiece. Ah, memories.

"He has friends?"

"I know he barely talks to anyone." He laughed. So they are friends and business partners.

"Just so you know he has been a bit grumpy lately."

"Oh, I know. It's over something stupid."

"What is it?" I asked.

"A girl."

"Oh girl issues." We got to the top floor and I walked to my desk.

"I guess you can go right in. I don't know if his rules apply to his friends."

"It doesn't for me. See ya, Bella."

"Bye Peter." He walked in closing the doors behind him.


"Bella what are you doing?" Hunter asked. I looked up at him.

"Playing Pac-man," I answered and exited out of the tab.

"Why?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because you didn't give me anything to do."

"Well stop playing Pac-man and get up. Go eat lunch."

"I'm not hungry."

"You're never hungry. Just go eat something goddammit."

"Actually I think I'd rather play Pac-man."

"This is not a place to play games. Go find something productive to do." Just then Peter came out of his office. I didn't even know he was still here.

"What's the wrong Hunt?"

"Be- Miss Amore isn't fucking doing anything. She is playing Pac-man." So he does excessively cuss. 

"You mean Bella. Oh! Amore is her last name. You haven't given her anything to do."

"If she was gonna play games she can do that home."

"Actually I can't."

"Let her have a little fun. How about we all go out tonight?" Peter suggested.

"I don't think it would be app-" I started.

"Who cares if it is appropriate it will be fun. Just us three. What do you think Hunt?" I didn't even know this guy and he inviting me to 'go out'. I saw Hunter give him a look.

"I think you need to understand that Miss Amore and I have no love life together so you should stop trying to get us together." He said with a straight face.

"Come on ever since you took over the company full time you are Mr. Grumpy cat. Just live a little. You are gonna get old and regret not going." Peter said trying to persuade Hunter. "What about you Bella?"

"I uh have the stuff to do." I lied. When do I ever have the stuff to do? Never.

"That is such a lie. I may have gotten bad grades in school but I graduated and I know when someone is lying and you, Bella are lying. It'll be fun. We can drink have fun and then have killer headaches together in the morning. It will all be together."

"You sound like a carebear."

"Yeah we will forget about everything and then make decisions we will regret," Hunter said.

"Exactly. But it will be together."

"Now you sound like my little pony."

"How do you even know those shows?"

"Just because I am 20 doesn't mean I don't know what shows are. Little girls love my little pony and when Care Bears were a thing girls liked them."

"Ok that was over in girl land, but for the boy's Rugrats. That was the shit. Oh, and Dexter's laboratory and SpongeBob don't forget him."

"I am around idiots. Complete idiots." Hunter said.

"I am truly offended, Mr. King. Did you not have a childhood when you were younger?"

"No my mom left most of the time for 'trips' and my dad spent most of his time at work. I had no childhood." Dark.

"That is such a lie. We always had nerf wars in the front yard together. We should have one again but in the office building. " Peter suggested.

"If it will get you to shut about everything we just talked about I will go to a bar tonight with you two."

"Oh, I never said I would go," I said.

"Well, we are going as friends not work colleagues," Peter said.

"I never said I was your friend," I replied.

"We are friends Bella," Hunter said. So now he wants to be all nice. He confuses me so much.



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