Chapter 10

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Omega Pov

As soon as I awoke, I remembered what happened. I internally groan to myself. How could I do something like that? Will must have been so uncomfortable. I wasn't ready for that kind of advancement.
In glad Will didn't take advantage of that. I know he must have been feeling everything just as much as I did and as much as I'd like to deny it, it felt good. I can still him almost feel him underneath my fingertips. That warm feeling of comfort is still buzzing in my head. It almost like I'm hungover from him but, in the best possible way.
Despite the serenity of it, I'm still stressing myself out over it. I'm grateful I never had heat before now. With him not knowing he was my mate that'd be one hell of a way to find out. It makes me wonder though, what would have happened? Would he of done what he had last night or would he of gone with it? Either way, I guess malnourishment might have some perks.
He must have gone back to the pack house. After having to make sure he had me barricaded in all night, dealing with me trying to get at him, and moving furniture around I'm sure he's exhausted.
The reason I wanted two beds is so that he could sleep over sometimes without the mate bond messing with us. It wouldn't surprise me if he never wants to use it now though. I don't even really want to go in that room now. The memory is just so cringy.
I do my best to shake off all these thoughts and get out of bed. I have the stuff to do around the house and luckily Will move most of the furniture before I attacked him. The whole house still needs to be cleaned and luckily enough I 've got all the means to do it.
I start with dusting. Dusting used to be my favorite because it was just so easy. Things change though. I get that part over with quickly and from there I work my way around. After three hours the house has been swept, mopped, scrubbed, and rinsed both inside and out.

Will Pov

I stand in front of the door still too nervous to knock. I know I've screwed up and that I deserve what I have coming. I take one last deep breath before raising my fist to the door for a tentative knock. I hear them moving around inside to answer.
The door swings open. At the sight of them my breath stills in my lungs and what little of myself that I have managed to build up again since the rejection comes falling. I am once again the same man I was when she said those crushing words to me.
"I screwed up", my mom pulls me into her arms. For me to cry like this I know that they realized something must be wrong. Until recently I haven't cried in years.
She pulls me inside and out of view of prying eyes. My dad closes the door behind us.
"Son whatever you did it'll be okay", my dad tells me, "just talk to us". I gather myself and leave my mom's arms. Things won't be okay for a long time if ever but, I need to tell them. Maybe they can offer guidance in all of this.
"It's my mate, she's Hope", I see my parents perk up at this. They had always thought we belonged together as kids.
"After her parents left something happened and I now know it wasn't her fault but, I did for a long time", my voice cracks along with the words, "I hurt her bad". My parent's faces darken at my words.
"How bad Will?", my mother asks me gently.
"She doesn't even know her name anymore", she gasps at my words.
"What did you do?", asks my dad in a grave voice. I swallow the lump forming in my throat.
" I made her an omega, the pack and myself especially have been beating her for years, she has been forced to leave school to cook and clean for the entire pack house, and she was not allowed any possessions", I feel a sudden flash of pain in my cheek and my head jerks to the side. My mom slapped me. I deserved it. My mother now cries into my father's shoulder while he soothes her, I can see emotions gripping his face as well. They're both disappointed in me and rightfully so.
"What has happened since your birthday?", my father asks me.
"She rejected me that night", I say " I've been trying to help her ever since. She stayed in my room for a while and I've been spending as much time as I can around her. She moved into her own house yesterday. She also went into heat for the first-time last night which is why I'm here. I know she doesn't want me like that so I wanted to ask you if there's anything that could help with that? I was too scared that I would hurt her that things got out of hand".
My mom pulls herself away from my dad and looks me in the eyes.
"I would say that you should probably see if she wants to go to the doctor for that", she sighs.
"About everything else though", my dad starts, "we are disappointed in you, now I don't know what happened between you two. Either way, the fates have chosen this for you, and you've made some awful choices. You need to gain her trust back first though I'm not sure if that girl will ever accept you. If she chooses to accept you or not, she needs to do some healing for herself". I nod at his words. He is right.
We say our goodbyes. I walk back to the pack house. I walk through the house greeting people as I pass. I haven't really been as friendly with the pack as usual.
"Hey Will" whispers a seductive voice from behind me. A hand robs up my back to come to a rest on my shoulder. I turn around and there she is. Cassie the girl who has been spreading rumors about us supposedly sleeping together since middle school. She is nothing but power hungry and selfish. She started trying to get the entire pack to call her Luna. I think hope used to even call her Luna.
"How about we go up to your room", she purrs, "I've missed you".
"You never had me", at this point I can't even say I'm mad anymore just annoyed. That is until she presses her lips into the nape of my neck. I push her off me immediately.
"What the fuck Will!? I get that you're trying to be a better alpha and what not but, I am your mate, not that fucking omega cunt!", I growl at her words and pin her to the wall.
"Don't you dare speak about my mate and your Luna that way", I command her, "or else". After that, I drop her down and storm up to my room.
I strip off all my clothes and step into the shower. I scrub Cassie's awful scent from my skin. Everywhere she touched my skin crawls. I don't want her touch, only my mate's and my body know that only too well.
I think about last night. If only she had accepted me. I remember all the sparks between us. I can't say that what happened wasn't pleasurable. Imagine if she had wanted it. If only it wasn't just the heat making her do it.
I think about her lips against mine. They weren't gentle like they had been in the past. She was rough, hungry, and lustful.
I feel myself getting a little too excited at these thoughts and decide to finish the shower and get dressed.
I leave the pack house and head back to Hope's place. I miss her already. I'm in front of her house in no time. Yesterday when I brought her here it took a lot longer. It's my fault she's so slow. I weakened her so much.
Before I have time to dwell on it, I knock at her door. She answers almost immediately.
"I am so sorry for yesterday".

 "I am so sorry for yesterday"

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