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Calvin walked into bio and most eyes landed on him. Most people only glanced at him then continued their conversations. But not everyone.

Two girls that sat in the second row, Kelsey and Rachel, continued to stare as he made his way to the back of the room. Their eyes burned holes in his face but he refused to look back. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction they craved.

They were dancers and were friends with everyone, even the upperclassmen. Kelsey was tall and always wore either skirts or dresses that didn't cover much. Rachel curled her dark hair every day and her belly button ring was always visible. They flirted with teachers to get better grades but they were smart enough to actually pass on their own. They talked to each other during most of class and didn't focus on their work like they should have been.

Biology was a tenth-grade course though Calvin, a junior, was taking it. If anyone would have paid attention, they would have known that failing a class wasn't normal and hard to do in schools where 'no child left behind' was used to death.

The teacher droned on and Calvin found himself thinking of things other than biology. He took notes like he was supposed to but wasn't able to focus. All he could think about was Sophie and when he would see her next.

The bell rang and he packed up his things. The students left the room all for Kelsey and Rachel. Calvin knew they were going to either say something to him or about him.

He braced himself as he walked toward the door.

"You're dating that new girl, aren't you?" Rachel asked.

Calvin sighed. "It's none of your business."

"We're just asking. You don't have to be so rude." Kelsey said, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't have time for this." He pushed them aside and walked out of the room. It was one thing to criticize him but to bring Sophie into it was another thing.

"We'll just have to talk to her then."

"Maybe we'll tell her how weird you really are." Kelsey said, smiling. They kept up with him as he walked to his next class.

"She's not as shallow as you two are."

"She's not as smart as we are, either, since she's dating you."  Rachel said, laughing.

Calvin whirled around and glared at the girls. "Leave Sophie out of it. She doesn't even know who you are."

"That's what makes it so fun."

Calvin pushed the door to his English class opened and walked inside, leaving the girls standing in the hallway.

His other classes passed by slowly and without excitement. He counted the time down until lunch where he could see Sophie. Seeing Sophie was the highlight of Calvin's day and time slowed when they were around each other.

Calvin sat at the lunch table with an untouched tray in front of him. He hated the school lunches, especially grilled cheese and tomato soup. He got the meals so no one would question whether he was anorexic or not.

Sophie walked into the cafeteria and skimmed the room. When her eyes landed on Calvin, she smiled and made a beeline for him.


I'm sorry this ended on a cliffhanger (sort of?) but I wanted to post something. I've been attempting to write all weekend but a large school project took up my time. But I turned that in and have some time to write before the next one!

Please leave feedback for me and check out my other stories as well.

Thank you all for reading.


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