Empty Backpack

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He couldn't stop staring at her. Her arms were crossed over her chest but the fingers of her right hand were tapping, like she was nervous or anxious. Her brown hair was pulled up into a knot on top of her head. Her green eyes were soft and faded, maybe from the weather. There was a scar just behind her left ear that he could only see when she turned her head to look at the door.

"What?" She asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He didn't want to have to admit he was staring but he was. He couldn't stop himself.

He just shook his head and looked out the tall windows. The road separated the school from the woods that stretched for miles.

"What class are you skipping right now?"

Calvin's empty backpack sat beside him, collecting dust. He didn't take any books with him, didn't put in an effort to look like he was happy. Everyone knew he was depressed and suicidal so there was no reason to try.


She nodded and looked like she wanted to ask another question. She bit on her lower lip and looked away.


"Did you really try to kill yourself?" The second her words came out, she looked like she wanted to take them back. She covered her hand over her mouth as if to stop more words from spewing out.

Calvin said nothing at first. It was true and the whole school knew but Sophie didn't. At least, not until someone told her.

He looked at her with his eyebrows raised. "How'd you find out?"

"I don't know who it was. Some girl in my last class."

"Are you afraid of me?"

Her eyebrows furrowed together and she sat forward, leaning in Calvin's direction. "Why would I be afraid of you?"

"Because people don't kill themselves."

"That's what I've been hearing." She mumbled.

Calvin sighed. "You don't have to sit with me. I don't need any pity and I certainly don't need any friends."

"Neither do I."

Her words surprised Calvin. He expected her to get mad or even afraid and storm off. He didn't expect her to shoot his words back at him.

Before he could say any more, the door opened and a teacher, Mr. Fletcher, stepped onto the landing. He saw the two of them and sighed. 

"Come with me."

Sophie glanced at Calvin with wide eyes but he just shrugged. He didn't care if he got into trouble.

It wouldn't have been the first time.

Mr. Fletcher told the principle what had happened then went about his business, saying no more to either Calvin or Sophie.

Behind the desk in the office, Calvin's sister, Ashley, raised her eyebrows. "Please tell me you weren't having sex."

Calvin rolled his eyes. "No."

The door opened and the principle, Mr. Vance, stepped out. His blonde hair looked odd with his tan skin and muscular build. Maybe he went to the beach a lot?

"Mr. Taylor, can you step into my office?"

Calvin got up from his chair, leaving his backpack behind. He followed Mr. Vance into his office and shut the door behind him.

"Mr. Taylor, I know that things have been difficult lately. I understand you've been meeting with Mrs. Jackson. She's told me you haven't been cooperating with her. We're trying to help you, Calvin, but we need you to help us, too." There was a picture on the corner of his desk of his son, Eli. Eli was a sophomore but his ego said he was a senior. Having his dad be the principle was helping him more than it should have.

"I didn't intend to fail at killing myself. Having to talk to Mrs. Jackson three times a week wasn't what I had in mind."

"Would you rather talk to someone else? I can open my schedule or have Mr. Roy-"

"I just want everyone to leave me alone."

Mr. Vance pursed his lips for a few seconds before he leaned back in his chair. "How did you and Ms. Chase meet one another?"

"Ashley made me walk her to class earlier."

"Is that when the two of you decided to skip class?"

Calvin looked down at the carpet and away from Mr. Vance's scrutinizing eyes. "No. She was walking to second period and I stopped her and made her hang out with me. It's not her fault."

"Is this true?"

Calvin nodded.

"Go back to class, Calvin. I'll be checking to see if you're there."

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