Chapter 1

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Summer before Junior year

Dear Diary,

I don't even know why I'm even trying to write in you. It's not like I want to, but what do you do when you have nothing else to do?

Ah, you're asking yourself, what is she talking about?

Well, let me enlighten you ...I'm .... I'm at a home for troubled teenagers. To be precisely, it's just a building, where troubled teenagers with issues such as alcohol addiction, drug addiction, home problems, anger issues and so live.

Well me? I have neither of the list above. I'm just here because my mother thought it's a great idea. She wants me to be here for one month of my summer break. Who does that?

Doesn't she know, I have a life? Oh, and I don't even want to bring my father in it, because it's actually his fault.

If he hadn't left Mom alone and in pieces, I wouldn't be here. But no worries, if she wants me here, then I'll be here. Of course, not because I want to be here, but because I do care about her. But even my love for her won't stop me of not letting her control me anymore. I won't let her control me when I come back. Because when I come back, I'll be a new me.

Beginning of junior year

Hello my dear Diary,

I do actually hate you, because my deepest thoughts are written in you. But then it was probably the best I could do in summer. I just.... don't judge me if Mom and my relationship died. I did everything for us and still it was nothing. No need to dwell on this. I'm kinda drunk, but I never felt better.


Lakewood. You're thinking where have I heard that name? Well, let me tell you; Lakewood is one of the richest towns on this very earth. Lakewood's founder Andrew van Lakewood was a part of a royal family in Great Britain, who moved to the United States and did some impressive things to get a town named after him.

It's such a shame, that he died all alone without an heir, who could rule in his town. But no worries, because democracy hit the chat and did its thing and we got a mayor, who was apparently related to Andrew van Lakewood!

Of course, the people and the history books (like the one in my hand) played it out as a long-lost case (like someone's been missing and has been found again or like a sort of protection program because of the enemies), but just the related dude knows the truth.

His name was Sebastian Avilla, long dead now, pretty handsome and created a ton of heirs. So of course, his family remained the True Kings and Queens, but they weren't actually snobby or so.

No, they let the people decide and let democracy win, marking their win but not in this age. Even though, they are seen as royalties here, they are actually very down to earth.

And that's the good part of of Lakewood. We didn't have any bloody fights about who had the most money except for a few. We are a community with a few fights here and there, mostly the women of the richest men were fighting about the newest fashion.

Anyway, moving on – the Avillas were really nice people, who spent most of their money for charity. They didn't even change my school's name although my school would have had a weird name, if they did.

In case, you didn't know where I was going to school (which is totally the case) it's the Lakewood Prepatory. Lakewood Prep, one of the most prestigious private schools in the world had a name in the world for having very talented and intelligent students such as me.

The disadvantages of my school were that my school was very expensive and even if you had a scholarship, the Royals would make your life a hell. The Royals hated the scholarship students and every other person ranking below them, which was very common. Very cliche. 

Let me introduce: Known as the A – list in other schools, the Royals in Lakewood Prep, also called the Kings and Queens, were the real heirs, the ones who came from old money, also known as the inherited money.

The Dukes and Duchesses were students, whose parents had a good name and good money, but were nowhere near the Royals. The Earls were the students, whose parents worked at a good position, mostly under the Kings and Queens' parents.

After them, the Barons and Baronesses were the student's who had scholarships or who the Kings and Queens disliked, but also those who did something to ruin their image. If you ruin your image or fall from the top, then there's no way you could climb up the dazzling stairs back. No, it was permanent like a permanent record at the police register – you were designed to be a Baron or Baroness for the rest of your life.

"Ms. Vermont, you can go to the Principal, now." Mrs. Sarrow, the school administrator told me.

I was pretty sure, she'd called me multiple times, but I was too busy being swapped up in my town's history.

"But I'm reading a book!" I said, gesturing at the history book in my hands. "I'm pretty sure that Principal Richardson has better things to do than having me in her office. Besides, I didn't do anything wrong this time."

Mrs. Sarrow rolled her eyes at my dramatics, walked up to me and snatched the book from my hands. She glanced at me, before shaking her head. "What's this?"

I looked at the page, she was gesturing to, but didn't understand what she meant until my eyes found the next page. "Oh that! I wanted to recreate the history of Lakewood, but my hand slipped, and I started to draw a carrot who beats up an onion."

"Where? I just see stick figures everywhere," she said confused.

I nodded. "Yeah, that's the carrot and the onion and the rest are the bystander watching the fight."

She shook her head again, an indication that she finally reached her limit with me. "Just go in there."

"But- "

"Go. In. Now." She said with finality, gesturing to the door.

I took my things, stood up and trudged to the door. I opened the door but turned a last time around. "Mrs. Sarrow, the book in your hand isn't mine. Could you give it to the person it belongs to?"

Before she could say anything with her shocked face, like I violated the school's standards by taking someone else's book, I stepped into the Principal's office and closed the door.

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