Buying a pet together...

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Louis: The minute you walk into the store, his eyes settle on the bird cages. He is practically ripping your arm out of its socket as he drags you to the cages. He sees a beautiful parrot that’s looking right back at him. You immediately know it is meant to be yours, so you purchase it as soon as possible. You name the bird Repeat and two weeks after taking it home, Lou has already taught it how to say, “You smell,” and “Is that a hair cut or a cry for help?” and “I see dead people.”

Zayn: “I’m so lonely at the house when you’re not there,” you complain. He pecks you on the lips and says, “Get in the car and we’ll go to the pet shop.” You two look through every isle of the pet shop until you stumble upon a beautiful beagle. You bend down in front of the cage and the dog comes up to you, sniffing your fingers. It barks happily at you and you look at Zayn with pouty lips. He squats next to you and kisses you. “Anything for you, babe.”

Harry: He’s been begging you for months now to get a pet he can pamper since you won’t let him spoil you too far rotten. You walk behind him and he holds two  of your fingers in each hand as he guides you to the very back of the shop where the cats are located. A beautiful calico kitten caught Harry’s eye as she meowed and pounced around the cage. He bends down and kisses your temple and you know that this one is the ONE. As you go through the steps of the adoption, Harry is waltzing through the pet isle, picking up cat toys and sparkly things for your new calico “Baby”. By the time he joins you, he’s got a basket full of kitten clothes and toys with a bright grin on his face.

Liam: “But, baby, I want TWO turtles,” he whines, looking at the turtles in their glass containers. You rub his back soothingly, “Liam, I don’t know if you’ll be able to - ” He puts a finger up to your lips and says, ”I’ll even take ‘em on the bus with me. I can take care of ‘em.” You roll your eyes and sigh, “Fine, Liam.” He brings you into a hug and says, “Just for that, I’ll name one after you!”

Niall: “They just seem too perfect,” he comments, strongly holding your hand in his as you walk through the dog section of the pet store. You’re just about to give up and go home when you see a labrador puppy limping on one foot and as Niall looked over the puppy’s papers he saw she was rescued from an abusive home and was blind in her right eye. They had a worker bring her out and she immediately stuffed her muzzle in Niall’s hands. He only had to look up at you and you asked, “How much?”

Don't own the boys(: This one was so much fun to write, y'all! (: We do ships and preferences.

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