Baking together...

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Niall:He pours in the chocolate chips into the cookie dough mix and stirs it as you grab two ice cream scoops and a baking sheet. The two of you scoop out twelve cookies and put them on the pan. You slide them into the oven and as you stand back up, Niall snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you to him. He smiles and grabs a spoon off the counter and dips it into the cookie dough and holds it in front of your face, as if he was going to feed it to you. You open your mouth and at the last minute, he takes the spoon between his own lips. You smack his arm and he bends over and kisses you, his lips tasting somewhat like cookie dough.

Harry:You crack open another egg for the cake mix and he slips his arms around your middle and sets his chin on your shoulder. “There’s shell in that one!” he exclaims. You briskly turn around and point the whisk in his face. His eyes grow wide and you say, “Don’t make me say it…” He gives you a puzzled look but leans down to kiss you anyway. You purse your lips when you pull away and say, “Get out of my kitchen.”

Liam:”Baby, don’t burn yourself,” he cautions as you pull the angel food cake out of the oven. You roll your eyes at his protectiveness and set it down on the cooling rack. “Oh, you worry too much,” you say with a smile. He bends down and kisses your temple. “How long do we have to wait on this again?” He asks, eying the cake out of the corner of his beautiful brown eyes. “It takes a while for it to cool.” He pokes out his bottom lip and his hands fall loosely at your waist. You shrug and he bends down to press his lips to yours, wasting time, or so he says.

Louis:He is staring at the brownies baking in the oven like a little kid as you watch from your spot on top of the counter. “Are you sure we have to wait another five minutes?” He whines. You roll your eyes and reply, “Unless you want to eat brownie soup, yes.” His eyes widen as he realizes how much better incompletely cooked brownies are. You narrow your eyes at him and say, “Give me the hand…”

Zayn:He throws a handful of flour at you, most of it landing on your shirt. He puts his white hand up to his mouth, flour rubbing off onto his lips, and laughs. You narrow your eyes to slits and bite your lip. You dust off as much of the flour as you can and then stick your fingertips into the bowl of it sitting on the counter. He starts backing away until he’s against a wall. You smirk and kiss him quickly, running your fingers through his hair. When you back away and survey your handy work, Zayn much resembles a skunk; black hair on two sides and white in the middle. His lips turn upside down into a frown and he runs his hand over his hand, seeing white powder fall away. He shakes his head at you and goes to take a shower.

THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE! :D I hope you guys loved reading it as much as I liked writing it. Nope, I don't own One Direction. Much love to you lovelies out there, .Xx

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