Rooftop Sway

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Emma's POV

I instructed the cab driver to drop me off at an apartment complex in the city. I still didn't know my way around New York and had to be wandering around like a mad woman, especially now that I was alone and now venerable to the open world. I couldn't hire security or buy camera systems like Ethan. But I was grateful he had placed ten thousand dollars in my personal savings account the day after my birthday; although I had told him not to and that I wasn't after his money, he insisted. Now, it came in handy along with the other monies I'd saved from being his maid.

I arrived at a neat hotel building, about five miles away from the mansion. It was private and there were security guards on the compound.

"Hello, my name is Emma. I would like to rent an apartment. Are there any rooms available?" I asked a elder woman in the main office. 

She gazed up from her computer. "Hello, dear. Yes, we have rooms available. I'll need a proof of ID and a deposit."

"How much?"

"What are you looking for-- one bedroom, two?"


"We only have one-bedroom suites available."

I nodded. "Yes ma'am, that's fine."

"It will be four seventy for the night."

"Okay. Can I get that for the week?"

She nodded. "Do you have an account with us?"

I shook my head. 

"Extended stay? It will be twenty eight-twenty; we're running a deal this week. I'll need a credit card for incidentals. How many keys will you need?"

"One," I said, passing her my credit card.

I would have to look for a job, there was no way I would be able to stay here more than a week; I'd blow all the money from the savings account. My eyes fell on a news paper on the counter top and I flipped through to the classified section. 

She passed me the key and returned my card on the counter.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized as I turned back to the page she must have been previously reading.

"It's alright dear. You can keep it if you like. I'm done reading it."

"Thank you."

"Here's your room key. It's room 709. Take the elevator to the seventh floor," she pointed around the corner.

I thanked her and carried my suitcases, struggling to juggle everything.

The room was convenient. There was a fridge, stove, toaster, a washing machine, microwave, air conditioner unit and a ceiling fan, a living room, a separate sleeping area with a king-sized bed and attached bathroom. It was nice but everything seemed small to me after living in a big, glorious mansion, but the suite was spacious enough for my tiny body.

I arranged my clothes in the closet and placed my feminine products on a dressing table.

I looked at my phone. Ethan had gotten me a new one since the one he first gave me was smashed by his mother. There were no missed calls from him. 

I heaved a heavy sigh, took my purse and headed outside. There was a supermarket right across the street. I needed something to eat and I needed groceries for my new "apartment".

I had three plastic bags in tow, making my way back to the hotel when someone ran up behind me.

"Lemme help you with those," he said, cheerfully, and took the bags from my hands. "Hi," he greeted.

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