You Call The Shots

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Emma's POV

"The last place I saw him was down at the beach," I answered, knowing damn well that the last place I saw him was with his mouth all over me in the bathroom.

She glanced around my room. "Nice room," she remarked, moving towards my body mirror which was one footstep away from the bathroom door.

Don't go in the bathroom! Don't go in the bathroom! 

I was panicking on the inside as her feet got closer and closer to the bathroom door.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She started straightening her clothes and smoothing her hair with her hands. She turned towards me. She took one more look at the room and walked out the door. I heard her heels descending on the stairs. I locked the door and ran back to the bathroom.

"What is she doing here?" I asked with anger and fright.

"I don't know. She's supposed to be in Italy."

"Maybe the fashion show was cancelled. Oh my gosh, you have to get out of my room, now!"

"Baby, calm down..."

"No. Don't call me 'baby'. This cannot happen again. It will not happen again."

"Emma don't say that. I'm having feelings--"

"I don't care. You're getting married to another woman, Ethan. This was a mistake; now, get out before she comes back here."

He lowered his face as he walked past me and headed for the door. He peered out, making sure the coast was clear before he tiptoed to his room.

I showered, releasing the heat that had built up in me for him. Then I lied on the bed reading my book, but I couldn't focus on the story. I was still feeling him on my body-- the kisses on my lips and my neck, and on my area. He was making me feel so good. I just wanted him to have me, and pleasure me.

As much as I may have wanted that to happen, I wanted a relationship with the person I would give my virginity. I didn't want a one night stand or a secret relationship. I wanted my own man, and the man I wanted had already been taken. So I would just have to find a way to make it without him.

🎼🎵I'm gonna find a way to make it without you
I'm gonna hold on to the times that we had
I'm gonna find a way to make it without you. 🎵🎼

It hurt. Honestly, it hurt like a son-of-a b----, but I blamed myself. Falling for him was bound to be doomed from the very start. He'd never leave Sharon for me. He'd never admit the truth to her about me. He just wanted to get in my pants and get out-- like what happened with the other maid. Maybe he screwed all his maids just because he could.

I found myself going to Halley's room. She was already back from the beach so she had to either be in her room or somewhere in the house.

"Halley," I knocked.

"Was that Sharon I saw?" she asked as I entered.


"What is that snake doing here?"

"Here for her prize possession, what else? She came over to my room, asking for him."

"Where's Mr. H?"

"I don't know. Last place I saw him was on the beach with you."

A blush-filled smile came upon her lips and she turned away to conceal it.

What the hell was that? Why was she blushing?

"Halley, can I ask you something?" I stepped in front of her.

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