Chapter 31

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I woke up early at five so that I can get ready and reach office on time at six. I can't believe he wants me to work this early. I hope he's there in his office on time too.

After showering I walked towards the mirror to see my belly which looks flat but it's a bit curved if you notice. I touched my little fellow there to see if I can feel something but nothing I could feel. After standing there in front of the mirror looking at my naked self I decided to walk out of the bathroom and wear some clothes. I hope I don't go late. I wore a pink shirt with black pants. Doing my little makeup I walked downstairs, everyone must be sleeping because it's too early. I tiptoed towards the front door and walked outside.

I told Joe and Sama about my job that'll be starting front today but I think I forgot to tell them the timings. I hope she's fine with me going without having breakfast. I have some money and I will have something from outside. I need to take care of myself for my child.

I reached the bus stop and in no time the bus was there. I did all the necessary processes we are supposed to do for traveling in a bus. I reached the office on time and I was grateful for that. For some reason, I felt tired as hell when I realized I reached the office.

I walked straight towards the elevator in which hardly one or two people were there. On reaching the 16th floor I walked towards Jammy who looked sleepy but she lit up seeing me. This was a genuine response I got in years. She clapped her hands together as if she's excited as hell. I couldn't help but smile at her actions.

" You're here." she said smiling widely.

" Umm... Yes" I said back smiling lightly.

" you know what? I always needed someone with me on this floor. Mr. Slon is really something I wouldn't wish to be with." her eyes showed pure relief. I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

" Even I'm grateful to have you here with me," I said smiling.

" Okay now go show your pretty face to Mr. Slon because he doesn't like latecomers." she said with her eyebrows raised. Cute. Wait... am I late? I looked at the time and it's 6:10 already. Shit.

I walked faster towards his office and knocked on the door. There I heard a low 'COME IN'. I pushed the door open and walked inside. He lifted his head up with a serious look on his face.

" Seems like it took you long to reach my office." he said now resting his elbows on the table. I stood there thinking what to say.

" I was on time but I guess while reaching here--"

" -it took you ten minutes." he cut me off in the middle.

" Yeah" I said in a whisper trying not to look in his eyes and look straight behind him.

" Next time first enter my office before talking to Jammy. " the fuck? Was he spying or what?

" Here take these and start organizing them in an alphabetical order, also edit them." ugh too much for a day. I haven't eaten anything as well. This bundle will take time. I should've woken up earlier. I reached forward and picked up the bundle of papers which was kept on his table. Seems like he was prepared from before to give me these for today.

The day went on with me doing the editing of the papers he gave me. I got a call from Sama too asking if I have eaten anything. I lied to her saying I had something from outside.

I couldn't go out for eating lunch too. Jammy asked me to go with her but I have to finish this first. I know I have to eat something.

I was just at last two pages when my phone vibrated from beside me. It was an unknown number. I picked up still.

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