chapter 18

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" So this is our place ?" I asked , we were in comos ..uh or it was comoz I am not sure but it was something like this when Cayden was saying . This place is so pretty and the room we got to stay is the best place to live in . Its quite cold in Switzerland as well , I feel like my fingers were literally kept in a fridge for years but the freezing sensation went away as soon as I entered our room , it's a huge place and quite luxurious too .

" Yeah we are staying here . Do you like it ? " he asked smiling . " Of course I love it . " I answered almost immediately .

" So I haven't been here in a long time . This place is very good but specially when its summer , right now if we go out we might freeze to death . But we can go when the weather's less chilly . "

I just nodded to what ever he was saying because I found a book on the stand which was something very catchy . I couldn't stop myself from reading what is the book about . Cayden seemed busy in the kitchen and I started to make myself comfortable on the couch which was bigger than everything in the wide room , well obviously except the bed . The book is so realistic , I don't know why but I am picturing myself as the main character , who is facing some problems just like I faced in this life . The girl is Dark with hidden secrets and regrets ...just like me .

I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't notice Cayden coming over in the room with a chicken soup which smelled like heaven .

" You like the book ? " he asked after placing the soup in front of me . " Yeah .. This book is very nice and very realistic . " I answered before keeping the book on the side for eating the delicious soup . Cayden sat with me bringing up his soup bowl with him . We ate in silence , but something seemed off and I can't understand what it is . I looked at Cayden who seemed deep in thought . Couldn't understand what to do I tried to talk to him . " Um.. So till when are we over here ? " he seemed to snap out of his deep thoughts . " Uhh .. Yeah I am not sure when my work will be done maybe then we will leave . " okay . Now what to say ??

He became quite again but his silence was not pleasing because it felt like something is wrong . Like really very wrong .

" Briar .. " he whispered so slowly that if I was not this near him , I wouldn't have heard him .

" Yeah ? " I answered with the same tone he called . I don't know what was happening but something seemed really sad that I could feel myself feeling tired .. So tired of everything . I don't know if he has ever felt this but I could not take any shit from this world . Something made me think of times when I was young and when I ruined everything .

What happened I don't know but it happened . And it destroyed me  . COMPLETELY .

" I can't face anything again . I don't want to , its very tiring and I don't have any strength in me . I am tired and I am admitting it . " I said all in a whisper . I couldn't see anything , not because I closed my eyes but because my eyes were blurred with tears that were on the verge of falling . And there was this pain again which was suffocating me , pain in the chest which comes with so much force is the worse thing ever .

" He loved me and I know he did till his last breath , but his love was not enough to save me from the guilt , from the guilt I developed within me unknowingly . Everyone leaves and I can't understand where to stand and where to walk or move . " I kept saying , the soup was long forgotten and I was silently suffering deeply .

" I wish they find me ." I looked at him . " So that they can take their revenge and leave my soul to rest in peace .... Dead or alive I want to be free ....l-like I used to be . " his face was straight not facing me , but it was clear there was something troubling him .

" You wont say what's troubling you ? " I asked him in a weak hopeful tone , I wonder what is it that's giving him pain .

He faced me looking like he was hurting . Those eyes seemed the same as mine , the only difference was that they were blue like ocean and mine was green like forest . Both were deep and empty . Without saying anything he rested his head over my shoulder , he is tired and the same way as me . Only our reasons are different .

" I miss my mom . She was very sweet and extremely beautiful , my dad ...he disappeared I don't know where and my mom got murdered ." he said slowly , I could feel his pain the same way as mine because he lost both and I did too .

The shocking part was his mom got murdered , I wonder who would've done that .

" I love my mom so much , but I have these nightmares in which she seems like  the villain ...she becomes so scary . I didn't get any nightmares from the time I sleep with you . She didn't come in any of my dreams but I want to see her .. Not the scary her but the sweet, caring and beautiful her ." unable to say anything I closed my eyes squeezing on to his arms with my hands that are wrapped around them , I tried to take his pain away but mine was the same with same level of power that hurt like hell . 





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