Chapter 2

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Constantin was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had found her. His mate. Goddess, she was beautiful in his eyes. He couldn't tear his eyes from her when he saw her up there. His inside twisted and pulled. His heart called out to hers. His wolf howled in his head and he couldn't be more mesmerized at how beautiful she was. Tiny little thing but absolutely stunning. She had a certain aura around her—it was powerful. She held herself up with a lot of grace.

Then he came back to reality. His mind snapped at him for wanting to give into the bond when he knew he clearly didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve anyone. He was beaten up to the point where he had no sense of dignity in him.

He was a coward.

Hardening his jaw, he released his frustration on the man in front of him, beating him up with hard strikes as he put in all his emotions in just those few hits. Glancing back up at the stand he saw that she was missing. His eyes darted around quickly in that few seconds he had free from his opponent to find her sitting with his Alpha.


Even that assholes name churned his insides, burned vehemence inside his chest where it spread like a raging fire.

After the fight, Constantin's body was tense with apprehension. His mind flickering back to her. Cleaning up the blood on his knuckles his body tensed the moment he felt her presence in the room.

The damn woman was in a room full of half naked men. He wanted to throttle her and at the same time gouge the eyes out of every man who laid eyes on her. He refused to turn around, but he felt her moving closer. It was like the burning sensation on his back grew with each step.

Finally, he conceded and turned around to look at his beautiful mate. Her soft violet colored eyes that held so much comprehension that her small heart-shaped face clearly contradicted. She had a small pointy chin as cute as her little nose where he had the sudden urge to pinch. He wondered if she will scrunch up her face or punch him. Judging by how she carried herself he guessed she might punch him. The thought almost made him smiled for the first time in months before he quickly caught himself.

She was perfect—too perfect for him.

"Mine." She whispered in that sultry musical voice of hers and goddess help Constantin because it tugged at his heart immediately each time she spoke.

It was a little scary how fast he had this hold on her. He knew the bond was fast at work and god the years of time being apart—this felt like an adrenaline rush that he never wanted to come down from. It was the first time in a long time he felt something like this and refused to hold any kind of hope but damn his yearning. He wanted—no he needed her.

He knew he needed to get rid of her. He wrote on her hand trying his hardest to ignore what that simple touch did to his very soul. He swallowed hard as he wrote down what he couldn't voice with his voice.

Surprisingly, his tiny little mate's eyes blazed with a stubbornness that he was surprised a tiny little body like hers can hold. She proceeded to amaze him even more by signing right in the air. She could sign. He was completely awestruck. His heart burned in his chest for her, literally begging to jump into her arms.

Obviously, the rejection didn't go as he planned because he was in an unknown place and not willingly he might add. He slowly stirred awake and found that he was completely bound tight around his torso and legs with ropes that even a grown ass wolf couldn't break through.

A frustrated sound came from his throat as he struggled to remove himself from the binding. His eyes slowly opened as he looked around at his surroundings. He tried to remember exactly what happened but all he knew was when he was walking out of the resting room for the fighters once his mate had left he instantly felt a prickle on his back before blackness overtook him. He wasn't an idiot. He knew he was drugged.

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