Chapter 14 : Impulsivity

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Half way to where Alexander's car was parked, I caught up to him.

"They're going to be okay." I tried to offer him comfort as we ran together towards his car.

"I'll call you drive," I told Alexander as we almost reached his heavy-duty SUV. He didn't acknowledge me as he ripped open the driver's seat door and climbed in. I was barely able to close the door as he reversed out of the underground parking lot.

"Calm down!" I yelled as I hung onto the handle for dear life. "Put your damn seat belt on, Red."

When Alexander abruptly stopped the car, I crashed into the dashboard. A curse slipped out of my mouth as I yanked my seat belt on and when I took a quick look at Alexander, he was also clicking his on.

I gripped his right arm, the arm that was the closest to me, and squeezed tightly. "Red..."

His stormy grey eyes took a rapid glance at me, but quickly turned his attention back to the front and we ripped out of the underground parking lot.

Knowing and understanding that nothing was going to get his attention, I pulled out my phone. My heart clenched as I quickly punched in Mrs. Blades' private cell, hoping that she would answer and that we weren't too late.

Every time the call rang and she didn't pick up, my heart started to pump a little faster in fear. The call ended and an automated voice told me to leave a message. I tried again and she didn't pick up once more.

Feeling frantic, I called Mr. Blades next and he picked up on the second ring. Relief flooded through me as I heard his voice.


"Where are you?" I barely got to open my mouth when Alexander spoke up.


"Where are you?" Alexander demanded once more and you could hear the aggravation and concern in his voice.

"Just came home to pick up some things."

Mr. Blades barely got to finish his sentence when Alexander interrupted. "Where's mom?"

"With me, just upstairs."

"Go to safe house 15. We'll meet you there." Alexander was curt and concise, but he said all that needed to be said.

"Okay we're moving. Mind telling me why?"

"The people that took mom and dad then targeted me, they're after you guys next. We just found out today," I explained as I heard the car start through our cellphones.

"Alright, Vita. We'll see you both at house 15, stay safe." I heard Mrs. Blades' voice soothingly say, as if trying to calm everyone down.

"Stay on." Alexander cut in and I heard a gruff agreement from the other side.

"So, Vita, how are you?"

I bit my lip, not knowing how to answer Mrs. Blades' question in this dire situation. "I'll be better once I see you at house 15."

I heard a soft chuckle. "Alright, dear."

"I think it's time we tell them." I heard Mr. Blades' voice softly in the background as he talked to Mrs. Blades.

"I agree." Mrs. Blades' voice was solemn as she answered back.

"Tell us what?" I leaned a little closer to my phone so I could hear a little better.

"The case file that you received must have been all redacted, correct?"


"We called some of our contacts and got the full one. Also got some more information related to- "Mrs. Blades was sharply cut off by the sounds bullets firing.

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