Chapter 1 : Re-encounter

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I walked through the automatic sliding doors along with dozens of other passengers on my flight. Many family and loved ones of the people on the flight were anxiously waiting, eyes scanning every one of us, searching for who they came to this airport for.

Knowing that there was no one waiting for me, I quickly avoided eye contact with everyone and rapidly walked towards the exit.

Suddenly out of nowhere, someone grabbed onto my shoulder and called out my name. "Vita."

Upon turning around, Alexander's mom, Mrs. Charlotte Blades, smiled softly at me. I forced myself to calm down and return her smile the best I could. She was a tall woman, beating my 5 ft 7 height by almost two inches, with an athletic build, light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Mrs. Blades. What a surprise. I wasn't expecting anyone."

"There will always be someone to pick you up, Vita." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and guided me towards the exit that lead to one of the many parking lots. "Welcome home, darling."

I looked away as my expression darkened. "Thank you," I replied as calm and sweet as possible while the feeling of absolute bitterness begin to brew slowly inside me.

As we arrived in the vast underground parking filled with cars of different sizes and colors, the icy air nipped at my bare arms.

"If you didn't know, your parents are gone on a mission so we decided to come pick you up from the airport," Mrs. Blades informed we as we approached two black suvs that had tinted windows both in the front and back. "I have an urgent meeting to get to so I have to go. Alexander can take you home and get you settled. We stocked up very lightly on food so you might want to go grocery shopping in the next few days. Okay?"

I stopped moving upon hearing who was here as well. "I'll catch a taxi home."

Mrs. Blades frowned at me. "Vita Simmons, nonsense. Alexander drove a car here as well. He'll drive you home."

She didn't need to tell me. I had noticed him sitting in the car we were approaching, looking at his phone. He still didn't see me yet so I still had time to make a run for it, but Mrs. Blades held me in place.

When I was about to slither out of Mrs. Blades' tight grip, his dark eyes meet mine and I froze. He opened the door and stepped out.

While I barely grew an inch during high school, he didn't stop growing until near the end of university. He towers over me standing by being at least 6 ft 3, with a lean muscular build and broad chest and shoulders along with long legs. Dark hair that was a little over an inch in length, dark eyes and slight golden tan. I noticed that his presence is as big and intimidating as it always was, but it didn't bother me, never did. Handsome, but I would never tell him that.

"Vita," Alexander greeted me, his voice deep and smooth, just like it always was after his voice had drastically changed.

This time, I didn't bother to hide my darkened expression and held his gaze.

"Alexander," I replied nonchalantly as if I wasn't planning just a few seconds ago to quickly evacuate the premises in utmost secrecy to successfully avoid him like I had for the past 4 years.

"I really have to go." Mrs. Blades tightly squeezed me then went into her car. With a quick wave and a small smile, she drove off, leaving me alone with a man that I would rather avoid by walking home in the rain than catch a ride with.

"I'm gonna go catch a cab, Red," I told him as we continued our mini stare-off.

"Get in." His expression was as blank as ever as he curtly gave me what seemed like an order.

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