Chapter 10...

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"So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" I asked my brother and Megan.

"Probably go to the festival for a bit. How about you guys? Want to tag along?"

I paused, peeking over at Brock wondering what he was going to say. I found him looking right at me. Jerking my gaze back to my brother I tried to hide my blush.

"Brock is probably busy."

"I'm free." Brock spoke as soon as the words left my mouth. I looked at him in shock. "Want to go?"

Inwardly I was yelling at myself to say no. I need to stay away from Brock. I know that it wouldn't take much for me to fall for him again, and he would end up just leaving like he did before. He was only here for a few days. Even though I was saying no my mouth opened with a totally different answer.


As my brother and Megan went to say bye to Rosie, I slowly stood up. Hooking my bag on my shoulder I looked over at Brock.

"You don't have to come. I know you probably have plans."

"I have nothing else planned." Was all he said with a shrug. Brock moved around me and headed towards Rosie, leaving me to stand there. I couldn't help but wonder why he would want to hang out with us. But pushing the thought away I trailed after him.

After a quick bye to Rosie and a promise we will be back soon we all headed towards the festival. It was a nice day to spend outside as it was finally a cloudless warm day. Something that rarely happened around here.

It was slightly awkward as we walked. Lucas and Megan walked ahead of us. Lucas occasionally pointing out things and keeping his girlfriend close. Behind them Brock and I walked side by side, a good distance between us.

I didn't know what to say and it seemed nether did he. Whatever comfortableness we had before was now gone. I had so much I wanted to say to him but not when my brother was around. He was here to visit and I didn't need to ruin that by having a screaming match with Brock.

"You never told me what L.A is like." I finally spoke.


"Traffic? That's all you have to say about it?" I bit back a laugh.

"You wouldn't believe how long it takes to go even two miles on the freeway. You have to plan ahead like three hours to make it on time." I scrunched my nose up at that. And here I thought Portland had a lot of traffic.

"That would suck."

"It does. But the city is pretty great. Whenever you are hungry you can get food, even if it is 2 am. There is always some club or event happening. Tons of shopping and restaurants, and of course celebrities." He rattled off.

"You do realize you are a celebrity right?"

"Not really." I swore I could see a blush form on his cheeks.

"Yes you are. Youngest player to win Rookie of the Year and Player of the Year. You went to the World Series last year. That makes you a celebrity." I could tell he was embarrassed as he rubbed the base of his neck, a tale sign. "Want me to scream and ask for an autograph?" I teased.

"No thank you."

"You sure?" I shot him a smirk to which he just rolled his eyes.

"You do and I won't sign anything."

"I for one do hope you worked on your handwriting."

"Hey!" He looked over at me. "My handwriting is not bad!"

"Brock I've seen your handwriting all through school." I shot him a look.

"I have nice handwriting."

"You couldn't even read it!"

"I could."

Nudging him in the shoulder I shook my head but a smile graced both of our lips.

* * * * * * * *

"Oh my god you are Brock Spencer."

I hid a grin at the group of younger girls, maybe 16, standing in front of us. It was clear they only knew who Brock was because he was so good looking and from here. They probably don't even know that he is baseball player.

"Can we get a picture with you?" One of the girls asked. I watched as he shifted on his feet uncomfortably before smiling.


"Can you take our picture?" Before I could even answer a phone was shoved into my hand.

Moving forward to take the picture I could see the girls trying to get as close to Brock as they could. Nothing could stop the grin forming on my face as I saw Brock squished in-between the four girls. Knowing the girls would want a lot of pictures I snapped a good 20 before putting the phone down.

"Thank you." They beamed at me before thanking Brock. With squeals they turned and ran off.

"I will never get use to that."

"How hard. How do you handle it?" I held a hand in front of him like microphone. 

"I don't mind it. I'm just not use to anyone wanting my picture or autograph

"It is hard with the paparazzi or do they leave you alone?" I wondered.

"After I was named Rookie of the Year and then Player of the Year they started to appear more, it isn't terrible but it does get annoying."

"I can imagine. Having someone always watching what I do does not sound fun."

"But you should come visit. I know you've always wanted to see LA." We both heard the unspoken words, You were going to go there once. I was suppose to go to LA with him but that was ages ago.

Sure I've always wanted to see the city and at one point I wanted to go to school and live there but now...I loved where I was. I had a good job, friends, closer to my brother. I wasn't sure I could leave here.

"Maybe one day." 

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