Chapter 4....

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Brock Spencer's Pov....

"You need to take a break."

"What?" I looked over at my manager like she and gone crazy. Scratch that, she has gone crazy. There was no way in hell I was taking a break.

"You need to take some time off." My manager, Vanessa Bullock, said again. Her hands were on her hips and she was giving me a look that I knew she meant business.

"I can't take a break Vanessa, pre-season starts soon!" Baseball season was just around the corner and no way was I not going to not play. I needed to practice to show I was okay to play again.

"You are still recovering from your shoulder surgery. Some time off will do you some good." I rolled my eyes at her. For the past few weeks she keeps going on about me taking it easy but all I have done is sit around my house. I was tired of not doing anything and I wanted nothing more than to get out there on the field and throw some balls.

"I am fine."

"No you are not. You think you are but you aren't. Your head isn't in it and if you throw a ball now you may not ever play again."

I didn't want to agree with her but she was right. This past year, before I got hurt, I wasn't playing my best. Ever since the World Series my mind was else where and it was almost like I wasn't giving my all anymore. Then I got hurt which didn't help matters at all.

I knew if I threw a ball and re-injured myself I would be in deep shit. I have seen enough pitchers do that and never play again. That was not something I wanted to happen. But being home and not being able to do anything was driving me nuts.

"I've been taking a break for a month now Vanessa."

"I mean you need to get out of town for a while. Get some fresh air and a new change of scenery."

"I like it here in L.A."

"I don't care. I have everything ready and you are leaving in two hours." At her words I sat up straighter. She really was serious.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at her. If she had everything already planned then she has been thinking about this for a while now.

"You are going home Brock." I almost chocked.

"As in my hometown in Washington?" I questioned.

"Yes. I already told your parents and they are thrilled for you to come see them." It has been a while since I last saw my parents. I think the last time was earlier this year when we made it to the World Series. "You will stay there for two weeks." At that I stood up.

"No, no. I can't be there for two weeks. I need to be back and be on the field for practice."

"I have it all figured out Brock. You will stay there for two weeks and still be back in plenty of time for your physical exam and practice before pre-season even starts." She said. The way she said it let me know there was no room for discussion. She really had it all planned.

"You've been up to this for a while." I commented, crossing my arms. The slight pinch in my shoulder had me clenching my teeth.

"You need to clear your head. You've been so focused on baseball the last three years that you need a break. This is the perfect opportunity."

Vanessa was probably right but the thought of going home sent a wave of nerves through my body. I hadn't been home in like five years. I wasn't sure how it was going to be going home. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents had told the entire town I was coming home.

Sighing I ran my fingers through my slightly long hair.

"When do I leave?"


With my bags in my hands I un-boarded the plane and headed for baggage claim where my parents said they would meet me. For some reason I was nervous seeing them and being back here. A lot of things have changed since I last stepped foot in Port Townsend, Washington. I wasn't the same 18 year old boy that left.

The moment I saw my mother standing there next to my father, glancing around for me, all my nerves went away. I smiled at the sight of my mom and dad. They still looked the same except for more grey in their hair.

"Brock!" My mothers voice rang loud through the baggage claim area. A few heads turned to look but I didn't care. Striding towards them my mom immediately wrapped me in a tight hug. Her head only came to chest, making me lean down a bit to hug her back. I hugged my father next and he roughly patted my back.

"Are you sure you have been eating?" Was the first thing my mom said the moment she pulled away. Even though my mom, Andrea Spencer, was short she by far the scariest woman alive.

"Yes I eat mom."

"Not enough. We will change that though." She gave me a hard look. "And look at this beard you are growing." She touched the slight stubble that was on my face. I looked over at my father, Jack, for some help but he just shrugged. "Lets get you home."

I walked beside my parents as they walked hand in hand towards the car. Even after all this time they were still happy. It was a nice sight to see. Upon reaching the car I shook my head.

"Really? You still have this thing? I gave you guys a car so you could get rid of this." I looked at the old beat up four door truck my father has had for years.

With my first paycheck I bought them a car. I tried to buy them a new house but they refused saying they didn't want to leave the same house I grew up in. Too many memories they said. So instead I bought them a car, yet they still drive this piece of crap.

"She still runs just fine." My dad patted the hood as he rounded the drivers seat. I sighed moving to the back door.

"You know if you need a new car I can give you some money." I said, once I put my bags in the back and hopped in.

"We are fine honey. This truck has been in the family for years and it will stay that way." I knew better than to argue so I kept quiet.

As we drove towards town my mom started going on about the things I have missed. She went on about the neighbors and what new stores they have gotten. From the sound of it my little hometown had grown quite a bit.

It was a two hour drive back home and the entire ride my mom filled me in on everything. I tried my hardest to pay attention but after a while I ended up tuning her out. My mind was still on baseball and now being home for a bit.

"So, where's that girlfriend of yours?" My dad's voice had me looking over at him.

"We broke up a while ago." I shrugged.

It was right before my surgery she broke up with me. Something about not being in love me anymore and all I cared about was baseball not her. I knew she was worried about me being hurt because she wouldn't be in the spotlight anymore or use my money. All she cared about was fame and money. I missed the look they shared as I looked out the window.

"The fall festival starts tonight."

I smiled as old memories of going to the festival entered my mind. I completely forgot about the festival the town always had. It use to be the best time of the year.

"Want to come along?" For some reason I found my lips tilting up in a smile.

"Why not."

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