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This chapter is dedicated to TaytoTot, I still don't know what you won. xD 


Five days. That's how long Cole's been unconscious, the doctor said that he's not in a coma or anything that critical- thank god for that- but his body is resting. Apparently he wasn't eating properly and he was stressed. With all that and the accident where he loss quite a lot of blood his body is in some kind of a hibernation mode and he should wake up any day now.

I'm not sure if I should believe anything this man says to me; he already failed in helping my mate once, but he's all I've got and I think he knows what he's doing and I use the phrase lightly. For all I know he probably has no idea what's wrong with my mate and we're all just waiting for him to die.  I don't know how to cope with all of this, the guilt was affecting me. Every time I saw him lying there I would scold myself. I always found myself saying maybe's and what if's. Maybe this is a sign that I'm a bad mate and that he would never be safe with me. What if I hadn't gotten there in time. Would he still be alive? of course he wouldn't still be alive. 

God I don't know what to do anymore. Why couldn't my life be simple?  Ever since that dream the other night I've been feeling even more down. I know it was the accident with Cole that triggered it. After three years of suppressing that memory, I manage to get myself in a similar situation. Except this time the person made it out alive. I thought you were suppose to learn from your experiences but I guess the fact that I tried to block it out meant that it seem like it never happen at all so there was no way to learn from it.

After the death of my mother and the discovered betrayal of the man I'm ashamed to call my father. I spent time training, honing all of my senses until I was sure there were at their best. My sense of smell, sight and hearing were impeccable. I vowed to myself that I would never be the weak little boy that couldn't even save his mother's life. I would be stronger,faster and unbeatable.I would fight!

"Here you go deary, a growing boy like you needs to eat to keep up your strength. I know you feel responsible for not being there for your friend but it's no good wallowing in guilt." Joey said as she laid a plate in front of me.

I looked up from the table for the first time since entering the room. She was wearing a floral print dress and like always she had a smile on her face only, there was a difference this time, behind her smile you could see the deep impression of worry. I don't know whether she was worried about my zombie like state, or my some what comatose mate. 

"I'm not hungry," I replied." You've been saying that for the last five days, if you won't eat for me, eat for the boy in that room lying unconscious. How would he feel if he found out you're starving yourself because of an unjustified guilt?" to be honest I'm not sure how Cole would feel if he found out I felt guilty because of his accident, would he be worried that I'm wallowing in guilt and shame or would he just not care? that's the thing I don't know anymore. I need him to wake up and tell me where we stand can we at least be friends. "Listen to reason deary. Eat up and stop blaming yourself for things that were not under your control" 

I hurriedly ate half of the meal on the plate before I made the journey back upstairs. As I edged closer to the door I couldn't help but to hope that for once there would be a change and I would see Cole sitting up in the bed with a confused expression wondering where he was. Hell I don't care if he was angry at not knowing his surroundings as long as he had some form of expression other that the blank look I've become so familiar with. 

However all my hopes were dash aside when I entered the room to find Cole in the same state he's been in for five days.

I remembered when I brought him here. Joey said we should call his relatives, to tell them what happen. 


"We need to inform his parents of his condition." Joey said as she came into the office after her talk with the doctor. 

"His parents aren't here, he's staying with his grandmother for the summer." I replied without looking up from my mate.

"I knew he looked familiar, his grandmother is that old bat that lives out in the forest. The old witch is not very nice person turned her back on her own son."  Joey kept mumbling about unfit parents and how she was surprised the man had sent back his son when he know how his mother can be as she dial the number to the house.

"It seems as if no ones there." she said a few seconds later. 

Apparently no one was at the house and it didn't look like they were going to be any time soon; Joey had sent someone out there and it looked like they must have left in a hurry. So now my mate was laying unconscious while his grandmother and uncle are AWOL and we have no way to contact his parents. This news had made me livid. How could they just up and leave without him? He wasn't even from around here. He didn't know anyone. What kind of people was he related to? It's like he didn't have any one in the world 


But as I sat here staring at his unmoving body, I vowed that I would be everything he needed me to be. As long as I'm alive he'll never be alone.

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